
Russia now threatens poland is nato ready?

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with the European countries lax commitment to nato over the years are they ready to confront russia military.




  1. I believe that Russia will now arm Iran with anti-aircraft missiles that fill stave off future attacks from Israel and the USA.

    It may also arm Iran with one or two Nuclear bombs that fit in a suitcase.  Iran will possibly enter the USA with this suitcase bomb and set a timer device controlled by a cell phone.  One phone call from Tehran and it goes off in New York?  

    All this prodding by the USA will not bring lasting peace.

  2. I think the biggest question is "is there anything the US can do?" and the answer is "NO, we have our interests tied up in Iraq"

  3. russia's just doing plain rhetorics.

    They will not attack Poland.  

  4. NATO no, Great Britain and the USA yes, i think plans are already being worked up behind closed doors in case Russia does decide to attack, The USA has the means to move most of the forces in Iraq to Europe almost right away, We do have units in Germany, The navy can provide air support from the carrier battle groups.  NATO is a paper force, France wont do anything, Germany can't unless attacked, Italy might but who knows, Spain might.  

  5. No threat, don't exaggerate.

  6. NATO's long term policies against Russia has died down since the breakup of the Soviet Union. However, Russia will not attack Poland as it is a NATO country. Every East European country wishes to join NATO so they won't get sacked by Russia. The only exception is Belarus, Russia's daughter.

  7. Russia not threatens.

    As adequate answer Russia will just move its missiles closer to Poland, In Belarus or Kaliningrad region.

    Does Poland want to be aim for Russian missiles? I think no. But Poland done it because it not so independent as must to be.

  8. You cannot go to war with a country that has nuclear weapons  - Nato ie. the US and its lackeys will only attack countries that are basically defenseless eg Afghanistan and Iraq.

  9. Should be Germany & France, Span & now Britian are a short drive away,

    Italy and all the old soviet block countries also.

    Russia Vs the World.

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