
Russia says the georgia attacks were in response to Georgian atrocity killings of Russians ?

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Can anyone supply online evidence links of this ?

Not that I agree with an innocent life for an innocent life!




  1. Judging from my memories of the old Soviet Union, and you've got to realize that even though Russia is no longer the Soviet Union, her leaders are the same kind of men that led the USSR (Putin in even ex-KGB), you can't believe anything they say.  Don't make judgments about what they say - observe what they DO!

    Putin is trying to re-establish the old USSR, in fact if not by name, and he will try to use any excuse to do so, either through force of arms or diplomatically, although he has demonstrated that he favors the first method over the second.

  2. No, but the red cross agreed that the georgians did attack russian citizens so i suggest looking up there website. It's a known fact they attacked first.

  3. Have you ever seen the movie on the background of first CNN reports about war? They've said russians attack Georgia.

    And there was dark night on the background and flashes of missiles. But it was only evening in Georgia, when movie has appeared first. So video has been recorded previous night, August 07 not 08. And there were no Russian forces in Georgia before August 08 14:00. So that missiles were Georgian. That is missile artillery bombarding sleeping osetian city of Tskhinvali.

    And there is video of Osetian girl interview on FOX. She started to tell something unexpected...

  4. Russia is saying South Georgia is ours. If you don't like it hard luck.

    Two fingers up to Georgia, UN, EU, NATO, USA. What are you going to do about it? We are big boys again! We are going to push you around. Turkey may be next on the list.

  5. Just to make this more precise: Georgia (supported by the USA and using US weapon) killed about 1600 innocent people. Russian strikes killed less than 100 people in Georgian military bases.  

  6. Yes, 89% of South Ossetian citizens have Russian passports, giving them Russian citizenship and Georgia attacked them.


    Edit - Look it up with google, its was all over the news, this is how I have been informed.

  7. Georgia started it. See links below.

  8. Ive got friends in the Russian peacekeeping forces in South Ossetia who tell me the first shots came from Georgians, that is only evidence I need

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