
Russia says they are Ready for War if the US does not Eliminate the Poland Missile Shield... Good or bad?

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What is Czar Putin plotting in Russia?




  1. The neo-cons are creaming all over each other about this, which automatically makes it very, very bad for our country.

    If Poland wants a missile shield, let them build their own.  Having a shield in Poland does absolutely not one single thing to protect the American homeland.

    Iranian missiles can't reach America, and North Korean missiles wouldn't fly over Europe...they'd fly over the Pacific.  There is absolutely no valid strategic reason for the US to have a shield in Poland.

  2. Bad for us if Obama answers the phone at 3 AM being told Russia has just invaded. Bad for them if W or McCain answers the phone

  3. Damnit if the draft comes back I'll join up first before they can force me into something.

    Just watch in 10 years conflict could flare up.

  4. If Obama is elected we will lose at least the shield, if not more.  If McCain is elected, Russia will back down.

  5. f*****k Russia

  6. Nothing,but pure sabre rattling.  Russia doesn't have the resources or technology to go to war with NATO.  That would ensure their destruction both militarily and economically.

  7. nothing but hot air. he is full of feeble threats.

  8. WHo did Russia help in TWO WORLD WARS?

    And who freed the Jewish people in World War 11 .. Check

    I dont believe Poland should have a Missle ShieldLaw Blog - : Georgia Sues Russia


    Poland's decision to allow the placement of U.S. missiles in their ... E,U (or postponing it)the situation as it is is now Russia wont leave the two areas. ... -

    Vladimir  Putin is not a Czar regardless of what  you may think


  9. There was a time, years ago, when both the USA and Russia were at odds in this manner and eventually worked out these types of issues diplomatically.

  10. Putin couldn't stay in his sheep's clothing any longer, he is and always will be a KGB WOLF.  Poland used to be a communist country, they are now democratic and free.  Why would a missile shield (defensive) upset Russia unless they have evil intentions?  The USSR mentality is not gone, just dormant for a while.

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