
Russia with georgian POW's got afro-american instructor(USA),he will get jail,what do you think?

by Guest58840  |  earlier

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Right now he is in POW camp in North Osetia...




  1. if this is true then he should have been immediately executed as a mercenary under the geneva convention, not taken to a prisoner's camp (the u.s. military clearly and unambiguously declared that no u.s. military personnel was participating in the fighting).  i, however, think that this is a bs.  i would suggest fellow russians not to post here anything unless it was reported by a trustworthy news agency like regnum or was shown on the state channels of the russian tv.

    2 mark:

    what you are saying is very true in general.  however with respect to this particular conflict the russian official sources, especially the defense ministry, have no incentives to say lies and i was talking here about this conflict only.  also, the russian tv channels are the only ones right now who have people there on the ground and who once in a while can provide a footage.

  2. people are so missinformed won't find much information about this war on american tv or one wants to know the truth........Mike, before saing that you should've ask at least one person from South Osetia (wich is destroyed now by Georgians), who is killing civilians? Oh, btw, most of people living in South Osetia are russian citizens....

  3. Exchange at the Russian pilot.

  4. The Bush Administration needs to demand the immediate release of this person. He is an American Citizen being held illegally.

    Russia at the behest of that old KGB thug Putin is conducting a genocidal war of aggression against the independent nation of Georgia.

    What Russia and Putin are doing is illegal and is a war crime.

    Also the Bush Administration needs to demand that Putin be prosecuted as a war criminal for what he is doing in Georgia.

    Putin has directed the Russian military to deliberately slaughter Georgian civilians to spread terror among the civilians of Georgia.


  5. Shoot him.

  6. If you consider the Russian state TV channels as trustworthy sources of news I'm surprised. I mean, you obviously have internet access and the ability to check out a lot of news sources. You should take advantage of this opportunity. During a 30 minute Russian TV newscast, the first 10 minutes is devoted to Putin in a fawning manner, regardless of what, if anything important is happening with him that day.

  7. Send him to the ghulag in Siberia, like the way the americans do with thier prisoners in guantanomo bay. Ohh and mike is a c.i.a n**i troll who thinks that no civillians were killed when the n***s invaded iraq for it's oil.LONG LIVE THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION!

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