
Russian Dwarf Hamster plz help !!!!!?

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Can i use a napkin as the hamster bedding? i have read somewere that they love paper type bedding but it seems that my hamster eats some of the napkin... what should i do?

and are the hamster very active in the night? because my seems to play a little then he goes to rest again....

and today i`ve found some tiny house-ant and im thinking that maybe my hamster was bitten by one.. because it is scratching himself a lot... it is a male.... i dont know his age but ii`ve got him 4-5 day ago.... plz help!!!!!!!!!




  1. Hamsters are generally nocturnal, mine are always out and about at night. As for bedding, shredding up good load of newspaper and supplying food should be good enough- they'll focus more on the food if it's there.

  2. You can add some napkins to the cage for him to use, but I would still use shavings because that's what is going to absorb a lot of the urine and the smell.  A napkin will get dirty fast.  They have little pouches in their cheeks and this is how they carry things (he's not really eating it)  They are nocturnal, meaning they are active at night and some of them do scratch an itch from time to time, so I'm sure he's fine.  Good luck.  Just do a search for the little guys and you will find lots of useful information on them :)

  3. Instead of napkins, give them toilet paper. My hamsters love toilet paper. Make sure that the toilet paper you give them is untreated / unbleached and does not have any fragrance in them. Also if you are using toilet paper for the first time, closely observe the hamsters for a day or two to rule out any itching or allergy that the papers might be causing them.

    Don't throw away the empty tubes after using the toilet roll. Give them to your hamsters and watch them have great fun playing with it. I once put a whole roll of toilet paper inside and both my hammies had great fun ripping them off and spreading them all over the nest and using the tube for their games.

    Hamsters don't actually eat napkins. What they do is to stuff them into their cheek pouches and transport them to their nest for making their bedding. Next time you notice carefully, you will see all their "eaten" paper stashed in their nest.

    Different hamsters behave differently. One of mine sleeps thoughout the day and is active at night. The other one plays every ten minutes for every 2 hours of sleep. As long as your hamster looks healthy, do not worry. However if he looks dull, listless and tired all the time, he could be sick. Young hammies often suffer from a disease called "wet-tail", if you doubt so, take him to a vet for treatment immediately.

    If he is scratching himself a lot for 2-3 days, he could have mites, then he requires anti mite treatment. If it is temporary and becomes alright in a few hours time, then it was only the ant bite and it will heal by itself. Clean out his cage completely and put fresh bedding to ensure that no more ants are in his cage since one ant attracts more ants.

  4. A bedding  like wood shavings is ideal for the whole cage but bits of ripped up napkins or tissues are good for the hamster to make a nest that it will sleep in. Your hamster sounds perfectly normal to me some russian hamsters are more active than others. I would check with a vet about the ant bite. Also russian dwarf hamsters are much more happy living in groups or pairs but if you introduce another male hamster they may fight. I hope that helps

  5. A hamster should have  natural bedding. I would reccomend you get something like Carefresh its all natural and it helps for odors. Second some hamsters are active at night. Some run around in their wheel for hours and some just wonder around for a couple of minutes and take a nap. However their might be a possibilty your hamster might have wet tail. If it seems like its sleeping a little bit to much and hardly eating or being active at all then go to the vet ASAP. Wet tail is deadly to them. And lastly im pretty sure your hamster is still young, many pet stores have very young hamsters there still babies

  6. I use to have a russian dwarf hamster but i never used a napkin i just used bedding for him and he didnt bother it at all....and my hamster when i use to have to it use to run on its wheel at night....and were did u find the house ant??? cuz i dont no about a little of that is normal but if he has been scratching alot maybe you should check for fleas.

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