
Russian Dwarf hamster, the color of his left eye is whitish?

by Guest57479  |  earlier

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My son's is worried about his hamster, Lupin. The color of Lupin's left eye is different today. It looks whitish and sort of transparent. It is not solid black as usual and his right eye looks OK. Does he have some kind of disease or an infected eye? Since it has been so hot we gave him a bath a couple of times. Did this cause this problem? We truly appreciate somebody's advice.




  1. bathing him will give a him a cold or a more serious diseas. if it's too hot, wipe him down with only a slightly damp cloth.  get him to a vet.

  2. It might be a cataract, so i think you should visit your local vet. before it worsens. Hope your hamster gets better!

  3. hes probly blind in that eye and there isn't much you can do


  5. White eye with discharge from the eye is definitely a sign of a serious eye infection and needs vet treatment immediately. Please take him to a vet asap who can administer antibiotics in his eyes and clear the infection. If you delay it, it can cause the hamster eye to go blind.

    It is very difficult to say what could have caused the infection. It could be conjuctivitis or he could have damaged his eye when playing in the cage. Considering that you have mentioned that you gave bath to the hamster, my guess would turn to him getting the eye infection becoz of the water entering the eye.

    Please NEVER give bath to a hamster again. I can understand that your intentions were good but hamsters cannot be given baths since it causes more problems to them. Hamster are naturally clean and groom themselves immaculately. They should not be given bath or shampooed since this strips the natural oils in their fur and makes them prone to various skin infections. The wetness can lead to respiratory and eye infections which is my guess in your hamster's case.

    You can place a dish of chinchilla sand in his cage for him to roll on and clean his fur if you feel his fur is dirty.

    To beat the heat, keep the cage in a cool area or preferably an air conditioned room if you have one but away from any direct drafts. Also make sure that you give him lots of water and bits of cucumber since the main concern for hamsters during hot weather is dehydration.

  6. hey no problem if it looks more bulge than the other eye,its no cartaract or ulcer ,its a foreign object like sawdust from the fudder or paper.Take her to the vet don`t try to take it out on your own more trouble than its worth, you will only hurt the hamster and it will hate you your vet may perscribe antibiotics

    Keep the baths for your self it could be cleaning solution

  7. Sounds like Lupin is blind, but I'm not a vet. Good luck with him. I hope he gets better.

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