I noticed my male Russian Dwarf hamster, Sieben, had a somewhat wet-looking a**s a day or so ago when I had him out of his cage. His droppings seemed soft-looking and wet. Wet Tail crossed my mind, but I thought against that being what he had. Today, I took him out of his cage and his a**s was more wet than the other day. I also found some yellowish-brown diarrhea on the bottom of his cage. I haven't seen him actually making a bowel movement, diarrhea or otherwise, today so I'm not sure if it's passed or not. Other than that, he seems to be moving around his cage like he normally does. He's sleeping right now as usual. I haven't seen him eating or drinking lately, though. I'll be keeping an eye on him for the remainder of the day. I'm worried that he might be or will become dehydrated. Would it be a good idea to get some unflavored Pedialyte and do a 50/50 mix with water in his water bottle just to make sure?