
Russian General says poland is open to a nuclear strike?

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Can you seriously blame Poland for accepting this deal after what the Russians did to Georgia?




  1. YES , a cracin way for russian millitary to show how fast it can mobilize it's forces ,at the end of the day AMEFRICA (if obama gets in)

    will not dare risking putting it's troops into a war with a country that can bite as with the likes of Iraq that only had a bark.

    run along Amefrica ,tail between your legs



  2. Poland is playing a dangerous game, they are assuming that the USA will come running to their aid if Russia was ever to attack them.

    Well Poland is a very long way away from America, but it is right on Russia's doorstep.

    So Poland do you really think that the USA would risk everything for you, I think not, Britain, Germany, France, Italy, maybe, but Poland NO.

    Poland's best defence is to build better and closer military ties with countries in Western Europe, that way if Poland lands in the sh@t we are all in the sh@t, America included.

    Because at the moment many people in Western Europe see America and Britain as old colonial powers, that are trying to force their will on other peoples in and around the oil producing states.

  3. Russia is more than likely thinking of getting back her Colonial Territories under her control .  

  4. The US first negotiated to put Star Wars in Poland and the Czech Republic, can you blame the Russians now?  Expect Cuban missiles and start learning Russian if your people can't learn to see both sides and negotiate..  The Georgians are using the US as patsies.

  5. Poland agreed to this prior to what is going on in Georgia. There is no reason why the US needs to put defense missiles in Poland anyway. How can we mend our relationship with Russia if we are digging them constantly.  

  6. Georgia fired the first shot in this war as well as shelling refugees being evacuated into Russia

  7. The USA have asked a lot of countries in europe over the years to put missile bases in countries like poland, england etc.  

  8. Me no, Russia yes, Russia feels betrayed, that the US is planning something. There saying by doing this that they are part of the US and will be red flaged, and in any event that US goes to war with Russia, Poland will be caught in the cross fire and be attacked. And were only putting ten Missile receptors, if they fire twenty missiles, at least half will get through, i mean what is ten going to do. Russia is over reacting, but i can see how Russia might feel a little backed into a corner, now that the US wants to put more stuff and troops in Poland, which is right on Russias border  

  9. The missiles are "anti missile" missiles which means they are for self defence and can not be used as offence attack missiles just self defence and with Russia as your neighbour who can blame Poland

  10. If russia invade poland they wouldnt get far because of NATO and America then iran will invade iraq , china will back russia but are to far away to fight and cant afford to get to involved in the conflict , Russia seeing that there losing go nuckler and America bomb russia with nukes then russia and america are left in a VERY bad way with hundards of millions dead then The EU will be the new Superpower of the world.:)

  11. This deal was brokered long before the conflict in Georgia.  

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