
Russian Tortoise questions

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I have a few questions about getting/owning a Russian Tortoise...

1. If you have ever owned or do own a Russian Tortoise, what was your overall cost and:

a. where did you get him/her

b. what kind of cage/enclosure do you have

c.what do you feed him/her

2. I do know you have to soak them weekly. Can you just leave a pool of water in their cage all the time or will it hurt them somehow?

3. What is the best food to feed them?

4. Do they recognize you and get used to people over time or do they not really notice us?

Any links and other suggestions/tips would be nice :)

Thanks a bunch!




  1. i have two russian tortoises that i've had since about 2000.

    it was 50 bucks for each of them, but i think pet stores charge about 100 now.

    i have a glass enclosure, it;s about 50 gallons i think.

    I feed them romaine lettuce everyday, but they should have fruits and vegetables too. fruit about once every 2 weeks and vegetables about once a week.

    you could leave a pool of water in their cage, just make sure it isn't too deep. probably about an inch and a half to one inch.

    just make sure it isn't over their head.

    they can also eat yogurt, but if you're going to do this start it when they're young so tehy get used to it. i just recently tried to give my tortoises yogurt, and they didn't like it because they're not used to it.

    i think they do recognize people, and if you start handling them when they're younger they will be a lot nicer when they get older.

    you can also get a lot of information from this site

    hope i helped

  2.   Ok first if water is left it can be more than an inch, they could drown. You just gotta check pet stores or order. Petco should have them. build a pin for them, 3ft by 3ft should be great, ive turned my closet into a reptile cage a lot. yes they will get to know you.  and go to My screen name is Thepublicenemy, im out of imperial beach, you will love the site. the cost is for vitamins, heat source, and turtle. build your own pin.

  3. 1,i don't have russian but i do have herman and spur thigh which are cared for the same way, a russian tortoise now days will cost about 120 pounds and you are looking at about 200 pounds to set the enclosure up sometimes you can get it all cheaper but if you allow for that you will have enough for a good set up.

    a) mine are all inherited or rescue tortoises, but there are a few good breeders out there so just look around,

    b) people say keep russian in tanks but theses are not suitable for them, they do not let enough air flow in  and can hold too much moisture which can lead to respiratory infections, tortoises can not see through glass so spend half their time trying to get out, a tortoise table is much better and can be built quite cheaply here is a link to how to build one or some people use rubber maid tubs as well here is one  

    c, will be explained in 3

    2,you do need  fresh water down all the time but most of a tortoises water comes from the food they eat, but a weekly soaking for 20-30 mins a week is required and most tortoises will drink from their weekly bath rather than a water dish, you need to fill a bowl with warm water it should be deep enough for the tortoise to get its mouth and nose in usually if you fill it up to just past the bottom shell this is plenty, if you leave a pool in the enclosure the tortoise could drown, so just a shallow water dish with no more than an inch of water

    3, the best food is a natural weed diet, this is the lisrt of what i feed mine Dandelion (Taraxacum officianale)

    Hawkbits (Leontodon spp.)

    Sowthistles (Sonchus spp.)

    Hawkweeds (Pictis spp.)

    Hawkbeards (Crepis spp.)

    Plantains (Plantago spp.)

    Clovers (Trifolium spp.)

    Honeysuckle (Lonicera periclymenum) [preferred by T. hermanni]

    Cat's ears (Hypochoeris spp.)

    Vetches (Vicina spp.)

    Trefoils (Lotus spp.)

    Mallows (Malva spp.)

    Bindweeds (Calystegia spp.)

    Sedums (Sedum spp.)

    Ivy-leaved Toadflax (Cymbalaria muralis)

    Also (observed eaten by T. hermanni and T. marginata in Greece):

    Robinia (pseudo-acacia) leaves

    Wild clematis


    Nettles  they do get lettuce , greens, ect as well and a monthly treat of a fruit salad melon, apple, strawberries, and pear, you can't feed fruit often but as a treat it is ok.

    4, yes tortoises do learn to recognise you mine come over to me when i go in their pen as they know it is a treat comming and i sit and feed them by hand they also like to be gently stroked on their shell of chin, they do enjoy human company,

    here are some links to some sites for you hope they help, (has some really good articles on tortoise keeping so is worth a look)

    best of luck with your research honey

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