
Russian analyst on Russian Invasion To Georgia - what do ypu think about it?

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at least one Russian who is broad minded, can think and alalyse things and is not afraid to say what he thinks..


"This was not a spontaneous war, but a planned one"

"if the Georgians had endured without complaining, then the Abkhazians would have begun, like now, a long prepared operation for the «mopping up» of the upper part of the Kodori Gorge. If a war has been planned, an excuse will always be found."

"All of its history the Georgian people has lived at the crossroads of warring world empires and has learned a flexibility in questions of survival and the use of one strong opponent against another that is beyond our wildest dreams"

By Pavel Felgenhauer, columnist for Novaya Gazeta

FOR MORE INFO FOLLOW THE LINK AND SEE THE ARTICLE,you will find lots of interesting iformation there

I ask every russian to read it, maybe they will believe their own citizen and their own expert, coz Georgian and international experts are no good for them




  1. I don't mean to sound like a grunt but I mean their problems is not ours. We have enough to worry about as it is now. I can assure you our government had no in depth discussions about this. I haven't even followed this "conflict" at all because it strikes no interest or worry to me. The US should not be acting as the UN, I don't see where we picked up this trait at.

  2. they are a separitist region and small groups of guirillas have been trying to do this for a long time. of course it was planned. The Georgians fired rockets into the city because they were losing the battles with rebel groups who were of course fighting and have been fighting ever since i don't know when.

    Nothing happens for no reason, you think they didn't let those planes hit to start the middle eastern wars? It wasn't provoked? How much was it funded by the CIA? They let the Lucitania sink and they looked the other way on pearl harbor. Don't politicize 911? We politicize the thousands dead in South Ossetia with out a care. You probly even support the slaughter of civilians by Georgia in thier noble attempt to stave off the rebels.

  3. And Russia has been supplying those breakaway areas to attack Georgia for years.  Russia also passed out passports to the people because it *was* a planned war and they could claim the excuse that they were protecting 'Russians'.  Although handing passports to people in another country doesn't make it official.  That's what's so transparent and silly about it.

    Thanks for posting this.  

  4. basiclly the reason why russia attacked georgia is because of NATO... georgia wanted to become a member of NATO and russia was not goin to let them do that... i think russia is acting just like the old ussr... a bunch of bullies and i think that russia is puffing its chest out and saying that they are the number one power in the region.... and i think the attack on georgia was an example of intimidation for contries like ukriane and other former ussr breakaway contries that wanted to join NATO...

    basiclly russia is saying "you join NATO and you dont pay us we will attack you and make you pay us!!!!" also NATO has ties with the west (US, CANADA ETC)  

  5. There are wide spectrum of opinions, for example:

    It is does not matter who and why was preparing. The question is who has started to kill civilians and peacekeepers.

    It is fact, that during last 4 years Georgia has got plenty of weapon from USA and NATO.

    It is fact that Georgia started killing peacekeepers at 08.08.08. Georgia is recognized as an aggressor by whole world.

    Russia, as a wise one, just opened military plans of Georgia and reacted as every normal country have to. It is a good example of old strategy - "Si vis pacem, para bellum" .

    Dont be panic about the whole world. World is crying already: "Today its up to Iraq and Afghanistan, tomorrow Iran and the whole world will face the same problem caused by USA".

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