
Russian citizens say they would vote Obama over McCain?

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What does that make Obama?

1: Racist

2: expand government

3: raise taxes

4: force American ( not Illegals ) to pay UN tax

and now #5: most liked by socialist countries





  1. Who cares what Russians think?  They've got their own problems to deal with.  I sure as heck dont get involved in their politics.

  2. All the socialist/communist countries are backing obama. china, cuba, etc. Tells you where obama stands, huh?

  3. Why should we care what Russia thinks?

    Obama the next President of the USA

  4. Russians would like to see America join them in 3rd world one likes to look up to another country lets face it.

  5. good thing they don't vote in our elections.

  6. er... Russia is like capitalism on steroids... little gov. control... businesses doing what they want...

    they've started to crack down some... but I don't think I would call them socialist...

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