
Russian georgian conflict...?

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Hey all...

I have a big big big and iiiiiiiiiiimportant question...

Will this conflict lead to (WW|||)??

Its getting dengearous cuz few days ago Russian pres said it could attack poland too!!! and the bad news was nuke attack...

What do you think will happend next?!?!




  1. It's not gonna lead to WW III.

    Russia is a bully and like most of the bullies they pick only those targets they can handle easily, hence, an attack on any NATO member is very unlikely.

    To Garish - What twisted western mind are you talking about? Here's a quote for you:

    "Poland, by deploying (the system) is exposing itself to a strike — 100 percent," Nogovitsyn, "

    That is Russian General threatening Poland, in real world, not in someone's dreams. Obviously that was done with ex-KGB Putin's command.

    Would you please kindly translate for us what exactly Russian general meant since west doesn't understand peaceful meanings of those words?

    I understand you want to pass your pals(Russians) as "very peaceful and busy rebuilding Russia" but facts are facts.

    Russia threatened the same thing back in 2007, link attached.

    P.S. Georgia is US ally, not puppet. If you call Georgia US puppet, then what would you call S.O. that exists 100% on Russian money and arms and interestingly enough pretty much everyone in S.O. government with the exception of President Kokoiti is either former Russian military of former Russian KGB? All of them are ethnic Russians BTW, not Ossetins.

    P.P.S. Now Russia says they're when they signed treaty it was about pullback, not pullout. There's real Russia.Can't wait 1day to violate the treaty they just signed. Basically they're playing with words to extend their presence.

    I guess not all of their soldiers stole used shoes and clothes from Georgian houses.

  2. No, the Russian-Georgian conflict will not lead to WWIII or any broader fighting.  The Russians were trying to intimidate the Polish people by saying that they will now target some nuke at them because they signed an agreement with the US for and ABM base.  The agreement also stipulates what is basically a mutual defense pact, where if Poland is attacked it is the same as an attack on the US.  Therefore, Russia will never attack Poland unless it is part of an all out strike using nuclear tipped ICBM's in which case Russia would be destroyed along with the rest of the planet.

  3. It's not the russian pres... said.

    It is twisted western mind thought so.

    But Poland yes will be target number one for the nuke strike in case of the nuclear war is going to happen.

    As about Georgia Russia already pulling main forces out and the peace was agreed about 5 days ago.

    Russia did not want this war. It's the Georgia(and probably US) started it and it depends on US now if it will be escalated.

  4. I am myself Georgian and i am really surprised how easily you all give up Georgia shame on you. you politics are let them take Georgia and let us go? But it is your big mistake how cannot you understand that Russia now looks at the reaction of the world. if it sees that you are passive it will invade not only Poland.

    Stop Russia NOW And SAFE your children's lives in future!

  5. it looks cold war ended in 1991 and restarts in 2008.

  6. I am hoping that once they have Georgia under their control they will stop or else they might take the whole of the south.

  7. don't worry, the Jedi will step in before it all goes belly-up!

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