
Russian or Japanese?

by Guest65062  |  earlier

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This year I'm going to be going into 10th grade, and after 3 horrible years of Spanish, my parents are finally letting me pick the language I want this year. I cannot seem to decide between Russian and Japanese.

I have more of a love for the country Russia, but I have a good friend in her 3rd year of Japanese, so if I ever need help I wouldn’t be on my own. (I’m using Rosetta Stone) And the want to learn Russia and Japanese is equal.

I will have a lot on my plate this year, and am trying to figure out which would be easier for me to learn. I’m an A student, but I’m not brilliant, and I get bored easily. I’m also horrible at grammar. (Which I heard might not be a problem, that Rosetta Stone doesn’t teach grammar?)

I cannot seem to be able to make a decision.




  1. I've been studying Japanese for years, so I have to admit I may be a little  bias when I say Study Japanese!  Its a really beautiful language and may be really useful for you in the future.  In addition, Japan is a brilliant country to travel and to live in.  Having said all that, it is no easy language and requires regular study and practice, as I suspect studying Russian will require as well.  Both languages require a mastery of different writing systems which is makes it more difficult in some ways then learning French or Spanish.  

    Best of luck which ever you choose!

  2. Go with Russian. I've been speaking Japanese longer than English, and I still have trouble sometimes

  3. I would choose russian. It is hard because of all the "characters" you use...but that comes with Japanese. Plus if your looking for a very common language Russian would be good. Cause it is a very common language all over europe and part of the middle east.

  4. Hi there,

    I'm in the 10th grade and I currently take Japanese. We don't have russian offered at our school but if we did, I would take it.

    Since you have more love for the country Russia, I think you should take that. It's better to learn a language that you like than take one that you are not passionate about. I picked japanese cause I think Japan is interesting and also, It kind of helps me with my Chinese Characters.

    My friend took Japanese last year and she only took it cause I was taking it. Then after two months of learning it, so swapped to a language that she actually is passionate about and she has sticked to it ever since.

    Learning a language may be hard, but you will get there, if you are determined. So I say go ahead and take Russia. If you ever need help with Russia, remember, the teacher is getting paid to help you. Don't be shy, get all the help you need and you will succeed.

    Good luck!
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