
Russian president putin?

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Do you agree that president putin is a ars hole, and should be shot on sight for his crimes against georgia, and the russian army are just as bad as the n***s in the second world war, kill and torture for the fun of it.




  1. Putin is now the Prime Minister, though it's obvious he's still pulling the strings.  And yes, he is an ars hole.

  2. Russia hasn't committed any crime against Georgia. As a matter of fact the opposite applies.May I respectfully suggest that you read up on the facts before making unfounded allegations?

  3. first get your facts straight-

    The CURRENT Russian President is Dimitry Medvedev, the CURRENT Russian Prime Minister is Vladimir Putin

    Russian troops invaded Georgia AFTER Georgia invaded the Russian-back Region of South Ossetia which split from it(GEORGIA) in the early 1990's.

    So to answer your question: No I don't think when Putin was President he was an ars hole. And no I do think the current President should be shot on sight because he didn't initiate the conflict Georgia did. since the dissolution of the USSR, Russian and it's former States have had to recreate their status in the world. When they do something they do it, not just talk about it.

  4. Yes, the russians were always like that, drunken uncivilized criminal savages

    And before you thumb me down, remember that for the last 60 years the US has build so many nukes to fight the russians, not the little third world countries. There are many dangers in the world, many little wars, many bad guys, the evil muslim terrorists can bomb a few buildings and kill a few thousand people... but if anyone can nuke millions, or even billions and completely destroy the USA today (and the whole world for that matter), that is russia, and they will never be the good guys.

  5. There is many things which we don't know.  Georgian are not sages and Russian too. Politicians are a very dangerous.   They never bother about innocents.

  6. at least they're not as bad as the US or UK.

  7. I don't think many in the West are really familiar with the whole story. Russia puts a case for Georgia being the aggressors.

  8. Why pick on him? What about Bush, Blair, Brown, & Mugabe?

    Which one do you support?

  9. Slightly over zealous about slating the Russians there don't you think! Certainly not comparable to the n**i party. Need to really no the ins-and-outs to make that kind of insinuation.

    I certainly think they're being very heavy handed about it all, but that's because they have different motives and wnat to complete them A.S.A.P.

  10. Putin? I thought he is prime minister, Putin was a good president as far as the economy goes, the economy has improved significantly in Russia under his rule.

  11. Millions of Russians were massacred by the n***s. 2000 Osetians were massacred by the Suck... (whatever his name is) regime for refusing to join his regime in Georgia in provoking wars against Russia.

    I am sickened by any provocatian-containing n***s Vs. Jews-staged against the wonderful Russians. Learn history before twisting facts.

  12. Putin is out of line on the Georgia issue but to compare him to Hitler is ridiculous.  Bush would be a closer comparison to Hitler for Iraq than Putin is for Georgia.

  13. putin like to put the bootin

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