
Russian troops overrun Georgia around Tbilisi and install artillery ready to SHELL. Bloodbath coming ?

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Russian president Dmitry Medvedev vows FURTHER retribution against Georgia

Pentagon officials confirmed Russia had deployed short-range SS-21 missiles

The SS-21 was used with devastating consequences during Russia's military campaign against separatist rebels in Chechnya.




  1. not yet but planing to. Russians have taken Georgian solders as prisoners Russians have blown up Georgian ship and have destroyed radar equipment and have told America basically to mind there own business .almost forgot and taken some American vehicles.

  2. They're not on the georgian territory.

    So it will be nothing if Georgia won't start to bombard civilian cities again.

    Russia is a peaceful country that acts only in self-defense and respects the international laws, agreements and UN.

    But I guess Georgian president is mad and is ready for the new assault.

  3. all i can say is something big is GOING to happen like another world war.

    i hope not but we all know it may happen  

  4. No blood bath --just tying up loose ends.  see link below for a description of the military situation

  5. Under the terms of the agreement the Russians just signed they are obviously planning some thing; part of the agreement (besides the withdrawal from Georgia we are still waiting on) is that Russia was to remove all troops from SO except the Peacekeeping forces that were there.  The SS-21's were brought in after they signed it and the fighting had stopped so they have no intention of keeping the treaty they just signed and I am guessing will work hard to see if they can goad Georgia in to doing something so they can attack again; this is what they did last time and hopefully the Georgians will not react this time.

  6. and your question is.....?

    I would remind you that Georgia took the first aggressive action in this war

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