
Russians and Germans have just signed deal with Iran. So Israel attack is unlikely ?

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Iran suggests Tehran-Berlin joint economic commission set up

Gazprom signs major energy deal with Iran




  1. We are busy right now! stop.

    We are trying to elect a new Prez, here in the States. stop.

    Israel is on its own. stop.

    So anyone that wants to do bussiness in Iran is welcome to do so. stop.

    We care none. stop.

    The jewish lobby is on holidays rite now. stop.

    Israel will be our "ally" later on, after the elections. stop.

    Answer to your question, follows:

    Yes, israel will not attack Iran. That will be the biggest mistake of the jews ...ever!

    (The "S-10 TRIUMF" missile systems will be delivered in Iran no later than November 2008. Once these are fully operational and ready to go, forget about "bully" israel. "Belly dancing" israel would be a more appropriate name for that.)

    have a great day

  2. I am against the iranian govermnet and I believe its time for the Islamic government of Iran to come to end, people of Iran have had enough. But when it comes to the war with Israel. I beleive the war will cost Israel much more than Iran. So I hope the war does not happen, otherwise Islamic regime will be here to stay it will only get more powerful.

  3. Woohoo! Yea... they can't mess with them now! Dude, Israel couldn't even win a stupid war against Hezbollah, a small militia group the size of my school's marching band LOL

    It's about time someone put these bully's in their place.

    Thanks for the link! That's good news.

  4. Little known to most people, is that the two biggest contributors financially speaking, to the state of Israel, are the United States, and Germany.  It is a myth, that the U.S. is the sole provider of financial aid for Israel.  The truth is almost from its birth, when it could, Germany has always provided most of the funds for some of the cold war, but then the U.S. took over the role of both funding and weapons provider.

    If Germany and Russia build reactors in a high risk area such as Iran, in both respective countries both corporations are likely to make a killing of the insurance if Israeli jets blow them to h**l.  Building reactors in such dangerous, far away places, is hardly an act of kindness, especially with both country's economies experiencing a downturn needing a much needed jolt.

    If the nuclear reactors are up and running, Iran will owe them money and they get funds that way, if they are blown to h**l, they collect on insurance, either way they win, and Iran loses.

    I would not put it beyond them.

    food for thought.

  5. I think if you just read your links you will see that there is nothing new about ths.  Both countries have had trade agreements wth Iran all along, and this is about trade not conflict.

    There never was a probablity of Israel or America attacking Iran.

    You eggheads should spend more time in study and less in trying to twist the truth.

    Your fan Lolla there is indicative of the lies and hate you spread.  Just dumb.

  6. It's not unlikely unless Israel will be 100% sure there won't be any nukes.

    As for Lolla, if it wasn't for Israel's concern for human life we would have bombed every single building weather they got civilians or not, Hezzbolah is using the fact the IDF does it's best to minimize civilian deaths as much as possible.

    Perhaps we should be a little more tough, I mean hey, you complain anyway, we might as well do what we gotta do.

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