
Russians in Georgia- no USA help?

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Could it be the lack of oil or other saleable commodity which has stopped the USA stepping in to help out little ol' Georgia?

Or am I just being cynical?




  1. You don't have to tell us your a Brit We know it by your post Were is the U S help why is it late Do you duty to us and the rest of the world and send your troops into harms way We well later tell how and what you should have done and how we would have done it, but for now get busy If it cost you money you have it and if we peg you for a loan we well tell 60 years later how you made money off us

    Warms my heart it's early AM state side an y'all getting many ''up yours'' from the yanks Maybe now it's starting to hit y'all how sick we are of you

    God love y'a smug gas bags

    Specking of gas bags Does anyone know what time it is in Chile? There well not be a shortage of fertiliser as long as there are people like the Scotsman No wonder its so green up north

  2. LOL Actually I'm proud of my country it's about time we stopped trying to be the police of the world. It is not our job to help everybody we need to worry about our own country we already spent enough money helping iraq.  

  3. all Georgia has is peaches, who cares about peaches?

  4. It just might be the fact that most people don't look forward to a World War 3.  

  5. You're a Brit, so yes you're being cynical. I swear you people come out of the womb with that cynical, pessimistic attitude. A Brit could be having an o****m, and STILL find something to b*tch about. The US is showing strong support for Georgia, even though they started this mess. Rice is in Brussels trying to gather support from our cowardly European allies. The Germans, and the cheese eating surrender monkeys (French) are once again showing what they're made of...c**p. Euros are cowards  (except the Brits) who almost never have the guts to go to war even when the crisis is in their own back yard. Why should the USA go charging in to help? Why don't the eurocunts help their own neighbor? I'm sick of Euros, they HATE Americans, sh*t on us daily in their media, criticise EVERYTHING we do, then they have the nerve to expect us to do something for them. I say we back out of the whole situation; leave NATO. I say we leave Russia alone; let them charge through Europe, and take it all over.

    I wonder how long it would take the Euros to actually defend their nations. Mark my words, one day all the hatred the Euros have for us will come back to haunt them. The USA is one of the main reasons Russia doesn't control all of Europe today. Our army isn't spread thin; that's pure myth from the liberal media. We have over a million active duty soldiers, and only 158,000 in Iraq. The Euros are going to really need us one day, and I hope we give them he old two finger salute, and tell them "Tough Sh*t".

  6. Lack of troops

    Lack of Money

    Lack of will

    Lack of authority from Israel

    and an election to win  

  7. Georgia made undeclared war against Ossetia which is Russian territory. Russia sends troops in to get Territory back, so what is all the hype about. WE did the same when argentina invaded the Falklands.

  8. no its because Russia isn't a country that would role over like the others you bomb

  9. i think lack of us troops is why usa has not helped georgia.

  10. well, tbh its really none of their business, why would it be? there was no oil in vietnam either you know, well, none that i know of.  

  11. We are NOT the Global Police!

    The expectation that we should be puts us in a damned-if-you-do-damned-if-you-don't position. Here is a Brit that is criticizing us (gee, what a surprise!) for not stepping in. I have no doubt you would be equally critical if we did step in.

    Or am I just being cynical?

  12. You're being a little cynical.  A war with Russia is a lot more risky than a war with other countries.  Also, we're fighting two fronts as it is and are armed forces are already stretched to the limits.

  13. The USA is very concerned about Georgia.  But Russia vs. the USA is not a conflict anyone in the world would want us to rush into.  I don't know what the heck Russia is thinking, but they're still there and every bit of diplomacy needs to be used before anything else.  

    Then why don't you do something, UK?  Your BP oil company owns part of that pipeline and you benefit from the oil.  Geogia is also your ally.  What are you doing?

  14. Ok, first of all the USA was using Georgia to attack Russia like it did Iraq, but Russia said "no way", Bush got his fingers smacked.

  15. maybe they are not in the mood for world war III

  16. we(usa) dont need to make russia mad , even if we could afford to support another war!

  17. Aye laddie yer correct. this is how the USSA operates, and your reasons are sound. no to mention the USSA is no big enough to take on an equal just now.

    it would nae be an easy fight. it could go either way and the loosers would cease to exist along with most of the rest of the world.

    better the USSA just sit down and shut up on this one

  18. Just shallow, and ignorant of the pipeline.

    Russia is doing more to assist us in securing Europe, and harming themselves, than we could have done if we confronted them militarily.

  19. why are people always so ready to send other peoples sons, daughters and husbands off to war, if your that bothered you go and fight the russians.

  20. Oh so nooowwww you want our help. I assume that months later your going to say you never wanted help. Just like Iraq.

  21. Actually there is Oil in the Cacucus region. The first serious Oil strikes were in Baku.  Up until the Spindletop oil strikes in Texas, Baku was the world's largest oil field, and a MAJOR oil pipeline runs through Georgia. The Russians made a point of dropping several bombs VERY CLOSE TO but NOT ON the pipeline.

    The reasons the US isn't going in to help Georgia.

    A) World War III is generally regarded as a bad thing.

    B) Georgia started this...they pulled a surprise attack into South Ossettia on the first night of the Olympics...they wanted to run in, grab the territory, put up the flag, and have a fiat accompli before anyone noticed.

    C) The Russians would kick our ***. The US Army is already stretched very thin... There are wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (I'm sure you heard) and we have commitments to keep troops in South Korea and even within the US. Don't have the troops to spare, don't have the transport planes to get them there, and frankly don't have a lot of options.  

    Look at a map...Georgia is a lot closer to Moscow than it is to...well Georgia (the one with Atlanta and Fort Benning).  How would we get the troops in?  Through the Black Sea into Poti?  Not with land based Russian planes coming down on us and the Black Sea fleet backing them up. Overland? Through the mountians and Iraq?

    So there aren't a lot of things we COULD do, and frankly there isn't anything there worth starting WW3 over.  

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