
Russians taking over?

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They're after Jags now. (Insert Shark Jaw's music here)

Man, I really hope he doesn't take it, even thought I think he will. I'm not ready for him to leave. Him and Lemieux were the reasons I ever started watching hockey. I give him way more credit than he deserves, but when I was younger I was like madly in love with him. you think he takes it? Stays with the Rags? Test free agency?

Also, if Jags leaves the you think the Rags will make an effort to get Sundin?




  1. The Russians are nowhere close to taking over!

    The Continental Hockey League teams have a salary cap of $24 million US (Goodenow originally claimed $22MM), there aren't a lot of players in the NHL right now who want to make $15MM and be surrounded by 22 other guys making $750K.  That is part of the reason that -Yashin is shopping his services around.  They all want to play with a core of good players..........and not be a superstar amongst average players.

    The other thing to consider is the mentality between rich Russians and rich Americans.  Rich Americans hate spending their own money (hence Leipold selling the Predators) so the teams have to be competitive financially.  Rich Russians are more than willing to spend their own money to keep these teams alive.  

    The Winnipeg Jets lost money in Winnipeg in the early 90s on $20MM payrolls with a 15,500 seat stadium charging an average ticket price of $48USD for 40 home dates

    The average Russian still cannot afford $48USD/person for a game, and the schedule will not be 80 games, and most stadiums seat less than 12,000 people (the average in the Superliga was 9,755 seats).

    So, do the math..........28 home games (based on the current 56 game schedule) * 9,755 *48USD = $13,110,720 in revenue for a whole season (The New York Rangers seating revenue is over 4x that and covers the salary cap, for example).  

    So, how will this team meet a $24MM payroll when pricing seats at an out of reach number puts you at barely more than half that!  Even Roman Abramovich will get sick of putting money into that.

  2. I think the RAGS will try and use the money saved by not signing Jagr for a guy like Hossa or Campbell. If they cant sign a good free agent, Jagr could be back for one more yr. Its time for the RAGS to take a new direction with their Marquee player.

    I think Jagr is about done anyway! He has lost a step and with his game, he needs that step.

  3. The NHL's getting a tiny bit of  payback for all the years it grabbed the best players away from teams in other countries for a few hundred thousand dollars in compensation. There's money and a better quality of life in places like Russia now, so European players have another option to bargain with. There's no way to predict whether the new Russian league will be able to attract a significant number of players or whether it will be a choice for stars in their waning years.

    Jagr finishing his career in Russia would be ironic since the 68 he has worn on his back all these years stands for 1968, the year of the Russian invasion of Prague in his native Czechoslovakia.

    Below is an excerpt from a 1996 story by Larry Wigge in The Sporting News

  4. They also offered Malkin 12mil/season  for like 7 season

    but they wont sign anyone only the rusted players like Yashin

  5. This Russian rush can only hopefully make Bettman step the heck up and run the NHL right do to competition. Plus we saw the "Rocky" with Ivan Drago only guys on there way over the hill would go there to keep playing.

    Jagr I feel has one more year in the NHL.

    The Rags along with every other team will make an effort to get Sundin....The real question is who does....

    Bonus: When you Spell check Bettman it wants to change it to Bat Man.....da na na na da na na na Bat Man!!!

  6. they are trying to be the laugue of the world its scary!!!!!

  7. Yeah that's pretty incredible... 3 years, 35 million, tax-free.  Insane.

    Honestly, I see him resigning with the Rangers.  If that doesn't happen, I see him going to Russia... I don't see him playing for another NHL team.

    Personally, though, I'm hoping the Rangers don't sign him.  I do like him as a player, and he had a great year here a few seasons ago, but last year was just pitiful.  The entire team lacked heart and effort all season, and I think part of the problem was Jagr and his 'C'.  I know he had an off year and picked it up in the playoffs (proving he is still capable of being dominant), but I'd rather we have someone who will truly lead the team.

    It's tough, because for the Rangers, the decision to keep or get rid of Jagr will change the whole complexion of the team.  If they keep him, they need to surround him with players that will keep him happy and compliment him, (and Straka already went to the Czech Republic), and if he leaves, they are free to try to go in another direction entirely.  So few players are that inflexible.

    edit:  (sorry, I didn't see this part).  I don't see Sundin and Jagr being comparable, honestly.  i think the Rangers will look at Sundin if they decide not to sign Shanahan.  I see Jagr as being on a different level than Sundin right now.

  8. The new Russian league will have the same fate as the WHA.

  9. if hes smart he'll take it. hes got an attitude problem and hes wearing out his welcome in NY. thats alot of money. his career is almost over. that would be a nice retirement fund.

  10. Let them have all the russian and czech players majority of them have no heart anyway...only euro players with heart come from the nordic countries like sweden norway and finland those are the players you dont want to lose....but on a side note it would be kinda cool to see the winner from the nhl play the winner in this russian league in a seris.

  11. i love jagr!!!!! i am a die heart rangers fan! they should go out and get sundin though...he is a skilled player...maybe the rangers would be better off though if jagr took the deal

  12. Yea we Russkies are taking over,rawr! I don't see why we want Jagr, he talked pretty bad about us before, he is not in his PRIME and he is a hypocrite for playing with us during the lockout. I truly don't like the guy, I would hate to see him back in Russia. But, money changes everyone's mind, he might take it, he might not, we will wait and see.

    I have a feeling Jagr will stay with the Rangers.
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