
Russias future in government?

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I know that Putin is ex KGB and when he was the President of the Russian Federation his goal was to salvage what was left of the Soviet Union, but is the war in Georgia another step towards getting back bits and pieces of the USSR like Poland etc.... Is Russia going to or trying to return back into the USSR or take steps towards communism or are they going to take the route of democracy? One other thing I would like to know is whether the Russian people realize this, but don't care on account of Putins charisma, or are they upset about this?




  1. watched too much Fox News.

    Russia were already there with a peacekeeping force, They just responded to to a crazy stunt by Georgia President.

    If Putin wanted Georgia back - he could have marched straight in all through his Presidency. As I said - your faulty thinking is coming from Fox and the like. WIden your reading.

  2. Dude...seriously lay off the neocon "news"...Wars and conflicts happen all over the world just because Russia was involved in this particular one doesn't mean it wants to invade Europe and start a nuclear holocaust.If Russia wanted to become Soviet Union again why didn't it invade Ukraine,Armenia,Poland,Lithuania etc.? They are not much stronger than Georgia. This conflict was about protection of Russian citizens in S.Ossettia and a fight for Ossetian independence from Georgia.Georgia got independence from USSR so why can't South Ossetia get independence from Georgia?

  3. Well, you are right on. However, I believe that Putin knows very well that its impossible to get back these pieces. So, the next best thing is to influence their governments and weaken any ties they have with the West, especially with the U.S.. Russia is sending a clear signal to these little nations that merging with the west will not protect them from Russia's superior power. Putin is selling "National interest" to the people, and better economic conditions in Russia are silencing the people. Much like Bush did with Iraq, Putin is making this war about Georgia's aggression on the separatists, rather than about his own agenda.  The Russian people response will heavily depend on the West response "which was none" to the issue.  

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