
Rutgets Women's Basket Ball Team Coach Respond's About Trashy Imus; Wasn't that Awesome?

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CORRECTION: Rutger's not Rutgets




  1. The thing should of been looked at in the context of the show.  He was just trying to joke around, he was trying to be funny, he may of failed but it was not meant to be racist.  Black comedians say stuff all the time and with no reprecusions.  When did the world become so anal that every time something is said it has to be put under a microscope and blown out of proportion.

  2. Imus should be fired...and verbally lynched

  3. There is nothing awesome about such nonsense.

  4. What would be more awesome if Rutgers enacted policies so their sports teams don't look like thugs and criminals

  5. No, Don Amus can say whatever he wants.  Read the first amendment dumb ***.

  6. When did it become ok to elevate the worst behaviors tattoes and such as a good behavior,

    I know if your a football player you can rape or kill someone but what message does that send to the childern?

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