
S PASS first time rejected, second time appeal in MOM singapore,how many percentage to approved my applicn?

by  |  earlier

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I have a job in singapore (system engineer ) , so my company applying S PASS in Singapore MOM, but rejected , second time, reapply my application, how many percentage to approved my application ?

how many times reappeal to MOM ???

why rejected my application ???




  1. Foreign mid-level skilled workers, such as technicians who wish to work in Singapore may apply for a S Pass.

    The S Pass is for foreigners who earn a fixed monthly salary of at least $1,800. S Pass applicants will be assessed on a points system, taking into account multiple criteria including salary, education qualifications, skills, job type and work experience.

    S Pass applicants accumulate points based on how far they meet the criteria. As a general guide, these criteria can be broadly described as (for illustrative purposes only):

    1. Salary - refers to a minimum fixed salary of $1,800.

    2. Qualification - generally refers to degree or diploma level educational qualifications. Technical certificates can be considered. These are, very broadly, courses that train the applicant to be a qualified technician or specialist in their chosen field. The certification should comprise of at least 1 year of full-time study.

    3. Job type - generally refers to professional, specialist or technician level jobs.

    4. Years of Work Experience - generally refers to the number of relevant years of work experience that the applicant has for in the job being applied for.

    Work Permit holders who wish to apply for the S Pass must ensure that they meet the above requirements.

    The number of S Pass holders a company can employ is capped at a sub-quota, or Dependency Ceiling, of 25% of the company's total workforce. For Manufacturing, Services, Construction and Marine sectors, the 25% S Pass quota will come from companies' existing Work Permit quota.

    You may take the  Employment/S Pass Self-Assessment Tool to check if you qualify for an S Pass.

    If an S Pass application is rejected, an appeal can be made can be made to the Work Pass Division, 18 Havelock Road, Singapore 059764 (within 1 month of receiving the rejection letter) with the following documents

    1. An appeal form;

    -  For rejected applications submitted via old EP Online before 1 March 2008.

    -  For all rejected manual applications.

    2. An appeal form (For rejected applications submitted via new EP Online on/after 1 March 2008); and

    3. Any supporting information/documents that might support the appeal case.

    It will take at least three weeks or more to process an appeal, depending on the complexity of the case. The outcome of the appeal will be sent to the employer.

    The rejection letter will state the reason for rejection of your application. You may contact your employer seeking more details in regard to your question.

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