
S.S., Would the Republicans have had a field day if a teenaged Chelsea Clinton had a baby out of wedlock?

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It's not a trolling question Ptah. Unfortunately. the Republicans have made it religious. Why do you think an atheist can't get elected?




  1. Even when some choose to bring religion into the picture, this is not where the question belongs. We are not required to play that game.

    "What if" is irrelevant, "what is", is what needs to be evaluated. How do the situation at hand and how it is being handled by those involved correspond to the values being stated? Was there a crime committed? I personally have not chosen to look behind the propaganda, YET.

    Prior to Clinton being elected the first time, Hillary was asked about his extramarital activities. Her answer was, "Are you looking for a president or a pope?' I do not recall the source of the interview.

    There was more spent investigating the Clinton s*x scandal than the republicans spent investigating 9-11 and destroying the evidence.

    How many of the presidents and members of congress have had or are involved currently in affairs, extramarital activities or for those who worry about it, homosexual activities. Kennedy was rumored to be a legend with his activities, but he is better known for his leadership and diplomatic qualities.

    I will look at the experience and how the candidates have handled them self in the past professionally along with the party they represent. How strongly does the candidate and act for them self, how much do they support their private agenda and that of their private associates at the cost of taxpayers and how controlled are they by their party? Although the candidate does have their own ideas, for the most part they follow the party line. I will vote for the total picture and its qualities, or against one due to its lack of quality.

  2. Yes. The rules only apply to those outside of the GOP. Otherwise, there's just a darned good reason for the very things they condemn, such as Sarah Palin's lack of experience.

  3. Not gonna happen. Besides, she is an adult now, not a teenager whose mother's idea of s*x education is not to mention it.

  4. What is sad to know is that democrats and republicans both would go after kids instead of focusing on what is really important............who has the ability to lead this country.

    Anyone with any class at all would leave the kids out of political arena.

    As much as I feel that the Clintons are pond scum, their daughter was off limits until she became an adult.  That should be honored by all sides.

    I don't care what Clinton did with his cigars.  He lied under oath, which makes him pond scum.

  5. They'd then say that Bill impregnated her.

    "I did not have s*x with my daughter..."

  6. I thought that too.


  7. Yes very hypocritical! Also ironically she cut funding for organizations in Alaska that support unwed teenage mothers, and she is against sexual education in school.

  8. "Of course not," they would say.  They might as well try and sell you a bridge in Brooklyn.  My brother is a die-hard Republican.  That's exactly what he DOES say.

  9. Why do people care. This 17 old girl is not running for President. Yes, people have kids and they make mistakes. I cannot believe the amount of wasted time and energy the media has spent on this useless story. Just shows that they are all about showing Negatism, not focusing on the Positive.

  10. Fail troll... I'm a Republican and I would have viewed it as if anyone had a baby.

    Republican is NOT a religion.

  11. That's impossible. Who would want to sleep with Chelsea?

  12. Not at all. And we would all pray she would choose not to have an abortion to murder the child. The problem of teen pregnancy is not a democrat or republican problem. It happens to both sides. And let he who is without sin case the first stone.

  13. Everyone knows it is  a 'one way street ' with what the RepublicOns believe! As long as it is them, and what THEY want,  and what they say, everything is fine! But cross them, and watch out!

    If the Clinton's had run on the slogan of ''Family Values'' they would have been fair game,.just like the McCain/Palin ticket is!

    And if people can't see the joke here then, they are blind!!

    People with 'family values'', don't turn out pregnant teenagers! They turn out virgins, who believe in what their parents are teaching them.

    Mine did!!

    My daughter was 23, and a virgin when she married, and my granddaughter was born two years later!!

  14. Who cares?????

  15. But... but... it's not fair to drag the children into this. It's the candidate that matters, and their children have nothing to do with the qualifications. UNLESS of course, the GOP is talking about how one son is fighting for his country in Iraq, the other is joining the Naval Academy, etc. etc. Then the family is what shows how good the candidate is.

  16. The republicans were out to destroy Bill for anything they could find. Why do you think we wasted so much tax money and time (also our money in a way) 'dealing' with it ? Bill got his rocks off. Ok. That's it? President had adulterous s*x? That's the big deal ? He didn't kill off a thousand Americans and then have s*x ? He just put his p***s into someone other than his wife? I mean, bad husband but...bad president ?For that ?

  17. Yup!

  18. They would have dragged her through the mud ten ways to Sunday.  "Blah blah blah, this is why we need to stress abstinence.  Blah blah blah, see what those Liberal Values have done to the youth of America.  Blah blah blah we need to get God back into the schools before it's too late or all of our young women will be tramping around like her and the country will be lost!"

    But since it's the daughter of the RRRW VP candidate it's just "Gee, people make mistakes, fiddle dee dee tomorrow is another day.".  

    (Since they're constantly preaching to all of us about how to run our lives--including trying to pass laws forcing us to live according to their standards--and all about "moral values" and such then we have every right to pin them to the wall when they don't practice what they preach.)

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