
S.S. homework help 2 (please answer the ones you know with the number of the question by the answer)

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1. Number of wounded soldiers in afghanistan?

2. What three ethnic groups make up the population of Iraq?

3. In July of 2008 congress passed a bill to help out what failing InDustry?

4. How many political parties will be on the 2008 Presidential election ballot?




  1. 1. U.S. soldiers or all soldiers (Taliban, British, Afghanistan security forces)?

    2. Ethnic groups or religious sects?  There are two ethnic groups (primarily) and two religious sects...there aren't three of anything.

    3. This question is ok, but a simple google search should let you find it.  

    4. It depends on the state.  My state will have five probably, but other states can have as many as 12 or as few as 2.  It depends upon the rules of the state.

    Your social studies teacher needs to go back to school and learn the actual way to write precise questions.

  2. 1.)i dunno but in the thousands

    2.) the Sri Lankan Moors, the Indian Moors, and the Malays?

    3.) i don't know

    4.)3 i guess right? rebulican,  democradict, and the green party

  3. Here's my standard answer: My diploma is already hanging on the wall. Do your own homework!!!

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