
S$3000-4000/Month is enough to get through in Singapore nowadays?

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I was working in Singapore previously for 3 years (2004-2007), then I returned back to my homeland - India. Just before I moved to India I got my S'pore PR.

Now have got a new Job offer in Singapore again & they are willing to pay me around S$3000-4000/Month (still in negotiation). This is gross so pls help me to figure out what the Nett would be when I need to minus the CPF contribution.

I understand that Cost of Living have sky rocketed while I was away from Singapore.

I earned $3600/Month take home in my previous employment.

I know how to get about it s'pore previously with a spending b/down as below, which totals to approx $1600 - $1800.

Room - $500

Food - $400 (I'm a b/fast skipper by habbit..)

Phone - $100

Weekend gimmicks - $400 (few drinks with coupla buddies at a pub/club)

Misc - $200 (basic clothing / toiletries etc)

In todays context how would the b/down looks like?




  1. the GST is a bit high now but we pay less income tax

    as a PR your advantage could be only from the CPF withdrawn

    that they allow you to take back once you plan to returned early

    to your home country permanently

  2. Room - $500 - $ 800 ( depend which area you looking at)

    Food - $ 400 ( maybe more as now prices goes up)

    phone -$100-$150

    Weekend -$500 depend

    Misc - $300 ( prices gone up)

    you still have some for saving.

  3. I dont know but singapore seems getting so so expensive

    I wanted to take my daughter to study and was searching for apartment was shocked short term monthly  11000  9000  7000 and when I got 4500 it looked so bad

    what is going on

  4. seriously u are not getting anywhere... u said your previous job fetch u $3600. and now your new emploer gives u 3000-4000.

    i wouldnt accept this job offer. one can only go higher when job hop. i suggest u go for something around $4500.

    so why would u even consider when your previous job and current job's salary is the same?

  5. I would say moving to Singapore for 3- 4 K is not a wise choice,, now a days SG living prices are rocket high. Even thn if u come to SG for 3 - 4 K, getting salary hike in the forth coming year is very less. I wont recommend any one to come to SG, since in india itself now a days lot of options and oppurtunities are available, and salary range is increased. You need atleast 4500 - 5500 to settle in Sg, comfortably.

  6. I would say it's still about the same. Just maybe plus 20% - 25% increase on everything to be on the safe side. I suppose you are a single, so that's not a problem. There are still Singaporeans who are earning lesser than you and survived on it. As long as you are not a spendthrift, you will be able to survive.


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