
SA: Are you always a HAPPY customer?

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My mom never complains about anything, I always get phoned to do the complaining. I'm one of those customers that always make sure they know how I feel. . .




  1. I only complain if I feel I'm getting a raw deal. But sometimes it's just not worth the hassle...

  2. I refuse to shut up about bad service - but I also dont forget to acknowledge good service...

    My wife constantly thinks I am fighting a loosing battle, and all I am doing is stressing myself out - But keeping quite is counter productive - how will the pathetic service levels in South Africa ever improve if we remain silent...

    My wife in fact refuses to go through the MC Donalds drive through with me - because she thinks that if you pay R20.00 for a burger it does not warrent complaining about bad service - I DISAGREE - our Brothers out there feel they are entitled to their jobs and therefore do not have to value their customers - well in that case they must be prepared to take the abuse thrown at them by hardworking people who do not share their views....!!!

  3. only if it will be costing me extra money

  4. I am sick and tired of the poor service in our country and with things being so expensive these days, I would like to make sure that I get every cent worth. I bought meat the other day from Pick n pay and when I got home, and opened the package, the meat was smelly. Even though it was only about R25 I took the meat back the next day and they exchanged it with no problem. You don't always have to rude about it though. When I do get good service, it is so rare these days, that I make a point of informing the manager that the sales person / waiter was helpful.

  5. most south africans do not complain and simply accept poor service.  I don't!

    If I feel that I have not had good service, then I like to make the fact known to the person in charge.  You will not find me having a tantrum on a shop floor though.  I prefer to write an email, or phone and discuss my issues.

    By doing this, we can only hope to get better service in the future!

  6. I will voice my opinion in a nice way the first and even the second time but the third time i will make myself heard.

  7. I complain alright - whether it actually helps is another matter all together

  8. I complain but people dont take me seriously, I look and sound young. I do still complain though and flash my Investec card :) that gets everyone running

  9. Having been on the other side of the till, i understand what cashiers go thru. I hated customers that complain about the smallest things. Sure they are customers and customer is king, but do they have to complain in a negative tone? I can tell you now, if you voice your complaints in a constructive, positive way, you'll get 10x the service than someone who throws their toys out their cots. You'll even get a smile nogal!

  10. I get my wife to do the complaining. It is something that she is d**n good at.

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