
SA a nation of givers?

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You see, we South Africans are not so bad afterall!!

What are you charities?




  1. Holy Crappies my charity is."Charity begins at home"that means my family first and then every one else second!!!!

  2. I only give to the SPCA or any other animal charity. People can look after themselves, animals can't.

  3. Lol Honey I know my sisters and my folks do give to chaities,so who knows maybe the stats are right,and when ever I am there I also give.x*x

    I even do it here in the UK thro our Catholic Church.x*x

    My motto in lives is"Give and you'll recieve in ten fold".x*x

  4. I do not believe those stats. If it is a true reflection of what people answered in a survey, I do not believe half of those people. Which proves one thing. SA is a nation of liars.

    ** Hang on! I just remembered the lotto is supposed to be for charities.
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