
SA: one good thing happening today?

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Well since I am always so "negative" how about people come forward and say one good thing that is going on in SA.

Not the World Cup though because that can be seen as good and bad.

Please back your statement up with facts, I am interested to see them!




  1. The authorities in Mauritius agreed to had over the documents needed in the case against  Zuma  -  according to the news reporter he is playing for time, hoping he case would eventually be scrapped when it gets old

  2. Hey Skyli, did you check the link kfk gave? I am bowled over. It looks wonderful and CLEAN.  I checked all the links and it truly looks promising.  It brings tears of relief to ones eyes. They really seem to have got their act together since the last time I paled at the sight of Johannesburg. If that is what foreigners will experience and see when they come over....we're on the MAP!

  3. The World Cup going is NOT a good thing, it is a very bad thing for SA- whether it be justified or not is another question. If it does go I will be sad and angry with the government for having let SA, my country, down- I will not be sitting and gloating like some others I could mention. I would also like to point out that had it been the Rugby World Cup or Cricket World Cup the same gloaters and crowers would be all whinging and whining by now.

  4. hillbrow is rebuilt. current account deficiet reduced in june. increase in the number of millionares.

    for hillbrow check this link;

    go on checking the pages see the truth not perception

    good skyli, if u continue like this everything will be fine.

  5. SA with all its crime is becoming a interest for foreign business. I know a lot of American and Europeon people that is looking to invest in SA. We have a beautifull country and we dont relise it. I was listerning to 5fm 10min ago and a girl said she moved to the UK and only realised now what she had.

  6. My wife's car has passed it's road-worthiness test despite having a dodgy turbo and being ten years old. I though it would fail and we'd have to buy a new one - which I can't really afford.

    OK, it's not in SA, but I thought it's a good thing anyway!

  7. I went there a few years ago. Wish i was there now. Beautiful place.

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