
SAHM's: In what ways have you cut expenses in order to cope with gas prices?

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SAHM's: In what ways have you cut expenses in order to cope with gas prices?




  1. I bought a smaller used car.  I used to drive a van, it now sits in my driveway only in case I have to haul something big.  I am also using a lot more coupons than I used to.  My kids are also not getting all the things that they used to.  Instead of going to yard sales every weekend, we only go about once a month.

  2. I haven't really cut anything. We had a bit of extra money in the paycheck, so I wasn't worried. With summer here and the a/c running instead of the heater, our ulility costs have dropped by over $100. If anything, that money is helping me not notice any gas price effect to the checkbook.

  3. I am lucky enough to be able to work a 4 day work week, and that has saved me gas and mileage on my car. Plus that hour earlier in the morning and hour later in the evening means less traffic and less stop and go.

    I also stopped running to the store, I only go with a full list in hand and I shop at the grocery store that is on the way home from work.

  4. I have stopped 'going for drives'. I have also started planning where I go so I don't double back on myself when I go shopping etc. I have started walking to the local mall which is about a milel away instead of taking the car. If it wasn't for the fact I work nights I would take a bus to work but in my city they don't run that late. I would like to find someone to car pool with but it is very hard at that time of the night.I also stopped carrying a lot of stuff in my trunk as they say they more you haul the more gas you use and lastly I don't go over the speed limit as you get better gas mileage when you are at the proper speed limit or below it.

  5. I am a stay at home mom with one child and one on the way here are some ways I save money.

    1) plan more fun activities at home arts and crafts we leave the house twice a week. Once for my dr's appointment  and once to go to the grocery store . We walk to a local park that is close also. I put 20.00 in my tank every two weeks and thats all the gas I use.

    2) I plan my meals a week ahead of time. When I go to the grocery store  i buy only whats on my list and I use coupons.

    I have saved alot of money doing this my husband wroks two jobs and with his commute and gas prices it gets exspenses so I have had to learn to catch up. We are also good friends with the nieghbors we will catch a ride in their car and all go to the grocery store together and since they drove we cove dinner that night!

  6. my, myself, i don't drive anyway - i walk or take the bus.

    hubbie drives, though, and he's really cut down on the socializing.   instead of going to the bar once or twice a week, he brings home a six-pack - bonus savings!:  saves on the food he buys at the bar, cheaper beer, plus no gas for the car.

    laundry-wise, we bought an old wringer washer and we hang it up to dry.  saves money so there's more to buy gas with if it's needed.

    one thing we're looking to do is get a greasecar - it runs on diesel for startup and shutdown but straight vegetable oil from chip stands and restaurants the rest of the time:

  7. If I drive less, then I purchase less gas. If I purchase less gas, that reduces my overall gas bill comparable to what I was paying for gas around $3.00 per gal. and I'm fine with that. If the oil companies had kept the gas prices under $4.00 per gal, I would not have cut back on my driving and these companies would be making approx. $1.00 more per gal. on me. It looks like they have lost out on revenues and I'm just as happy cutting back on driving distances.

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