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This video is stunning! I had no idea!

Is she really like this? What do you think?




  1. Things that I believe should be STATE issues, do not weigh heavily on my presidential picks.  Some may be a deciding factor, but my vote for president is based primarily off of foreign policy and energy.

    I am Pro-life and I think Roe vs Wade should be overturned so abortion can be a state issue as well.  Personally I believe in intelligent design AND evolution.  Personally, I do not care if schools want to acknowledge the intelligent design theory or not, but I do think there is some misunderstanding on this issue.  The vast majority of people that want intelligent design to be acknowledged, do not want to exclude the teaching of evolution nor do they want to impose their religion considering that a variety of religions subscribe to that theory and nobody would be forced to believe or practice any religion. Personally I have no problem with g*y marriage, but I support smaller government more and think it should be a state issue.  I have heard that Sarah Palin is friendly to g**s as well, so I believe you are wrong there.  

    Another propaganda You Tube video for the simple minded in my own opinion.

  2. Haha Skull Boy.... if only you were really him - he is the most gorgeous man I have ever seen.... period.

    And yes - of course, she is really like that.... she's bullsht.

    People are taking it too literally, "if your daughter was raped by her uncle" obviously means raped by anyone especially of the family - they used "uncle" for emphasis. And so on... why bother explaining....

  3. Yeah, I know I AM ready for a "first dude" who is a professional snow-cart racer! yee-haw!

    Palin = joke!

  4. It's not even accurate

    Search for FACTS, not someone's biased attempt at feeding you propaganda

    Palin BLOCKED the BAN on g*y benefits:

    "Gov. Sarah Palin vetoed a bill Thursday that sought to block the state from giving public employee benefits such as health insurance to same-s*x couples."

    "It is the Governor's intention to work with the legislature and to give the people of Alaska an opportunity to express their wishes and intentions whether these benefits should continue," the statement from Palin's administration said."

    Coghill said he's interested in a new plan that would allow state employees to designate one person -- maybe a same-s*x partner, but also possibly a family member or roommate -- who would be eligible for state-paid benefits. But the employee would have to pay to add that person to his or her benefits."

    Sarah Palin's veto gave g**s the same rights as married couples in Alaska.

    Also, she doesn't want to have ONLY creationism taught...We all know that we can't be sure how we got here, that's why evolution is a THEORY, as is 'big bang' AND creationism...Why not offer ALL theories?...Are you guys afraid that people will be permitted to make up their own minds about our existance???

    We don't know for a FACT how we got here, just as we don't know for a FACT where we're going when we die...Would you want all people to be taught that we go to one specific place when we die, without considering ANY other alternatives?...Heaven, h**l, complete cessation of existance, reincarnation, we explore ALL possibilities...Why not explore possibilities of how we came to be?

    BTW, for those who keep saying that she doesn't believe in evolution...That's FALSE...One of our alternative theories combines creationism WITH evolution, that theory says that people were created by a higher power, then evolution changed us over time...There's also the 'old earth' theory:

    It doesn't make sense to teach only ONE theory about ANY subject, when we can't possibly know the FACTS about it...There's absolutely nothing wrong with expanding your mind...How did liberals become so closed-minded and intolerant of other peoples' views and beliefs?

  5. that video upset me!

    it reminds me of n**i Germany!

    Sara Palin wants her views and religion to be inflicted on all americans

  6. She said all that before she started running, now we need to see how her position has changed.  Remember how Obama was for banning guns, public financing and one Jerusalem.  His positions changed, so lets be fair and see what she says.

  7. You mean the conservative republican chick hates abortion and g*y people and also supports biblical brainwash in schools??? Who woulda thunk it...

    The only thing this lady proved is what a big s*****k Mccain is if he thinks the Hillary supporters are just willing to vote for anyone with t!ts.

  8. The dnc hate machine is really weak. Is abortion the best you guys have?

  9. why is obama supporters so afraid of sarah? is it that mccain slam dunked on obama? yeah

  10. She's got all the Obama supporters running scared.  I love it.  This Youtube video is as lame as they come.  If that's all you got, you've lost.

  11. To Skull Boy:

    I shall never fight in the armed forces with a ***** by my side... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.

    —Robert C. Byrd, in a letter to Sen. Theodore Bilbo (D-MS), 1944

    Reveal all you want. Does Palin's beliefs really comapre to some of the people you are backing?

    Also, where did you find that youtube video that is so chock full of facts and information? It was a stunning display or research, and I am surprised all the major networks aren't running it.

    The only thing missing from that informative broadcast is the fact that she also hates children, blacks, jews, and is totally against women's rights.

  12. Uh, yeah, I believe the video narrated by the killer from Saw. He's always shown he had _my_ best interests at heart.

    I have to admit I found the video less "stunning" than your evident gullibility.

  13. What did you expect. She's a moose eating, redneck NRA chick.

  14. That is a clip from someone who doesn't have a clue what the real world is like.

    How many girls are raped by their uncles ect. Give me a break.

    As a matter of fact the woman in Roe vs Wade has been tring in vain to over turn the decision for years to no avail. Abortion was put into place by the courts which actually had no duristriction what so ever to put it into place to begin with. More woman are being told and tricked into abortions then before it was put into place.

    Wade vs Roe didn't start as a woman who was being forced to have abortion as so many pro abortionist state. It actually started out as a rape case to which she finally admit to be a lie.

    These same people who are Pro-Abortion I have noticed go around calling  woman a hoe or calling them names also if they have more then 3 kids. "WHAT"

    As a matter of fact if a woman gets married out side of marriage she is thought of as a hoe.

    How many of you know of a woman who can't get or complains about child support. Or a man who hides from child support or been to jail for non-support? After knowing this can you honestly say that woman are getting abortions on there on accord and not tricked or being con'ed into it? <-- this is one factor there are many more I could quote.

    And you want catch most of the people because how they act in public and how they act in private are two different things.

    Is it really Pro-choice no it's not. It's legal Murder.

  15. Wasn't it Obama that said that Repubs would use scare tactics to get votes.  Funny all I see is libtards doing it so far.

  16. McCain gets elected then dies then you get an unknown, inexperienced fundamentalist as president!!

    George Bush stated it was his god given duty in every war he has started if she becomes president then world war three could only be months away!!

    What sort of judgment has he got when he has only met her once?

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