
SAS to help with security at London Olympics Games 2012

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SAS to help with security at London Olympics Games 2012
It has recently been made public that the SAS will be creating a secret hideout at the Olympic Park in order to provide security at the London 2012 Olympic Games.
More specifically, the measure is being taken to effectively cater to the terrorist threat that is attached with the coming of the Olympic Games to the city of London. The SAS will be working in collaboration with the security team of the Olympic Games and
assisting them with any means possible. In the event of a terrorist attack, the SAS will be ready to make their move through the Thames river and come to the venue.
For this purpose, a number of military inflatable boats have been set aside and put on standby. Their location is along the river on the east side of the city of London.
An unnamed source made the following comments on the matter: "They've been preparing for months. It's a huge mission and reflects the gravity of the threat. Troops can deploy by air and water and be on site in moments. Then you've got force on the ground
while the situation is monitored by the air. Major evacuation plans are still being revised in case of a terrorist attack. But the most important thing is having the access and ability to strike back at terrorists. That will be achieved and those plans are
in place."
Apart from the measures that are being talked about publically, there are rumors that indicate the development of an underground bunker for the SAS near the Olympic Park in order to provide immediate relief in case of an emergency. In preparation of the
upcoming Olympic Games, the security personnel have already conducted various drills to ensure their perfection when the event arrives. Many of the spots at the site will be equipped with snipers in order to provide more security.
It will the third time that the city of London would play host to the event. After having hosted the Olympics next year, London will become the first ever city in the world which has done so for three times.



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