
SAS vs Sayeret Matkal vs Delta Force vs Taleban?

by Guest55679  |  earlier

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if there was some sort of mix up of massive proportions and 7 SAS, Sayeret Matkal and Delta Force soldiers all raided a warehouse with 7 taleban soldiers, and everyone started firing at each other, who would win?




  1. The SAS and Delta will immediately identify each other as allies and start shooting the others.

    They will then also recognize Sayeret Matkal as allies after killing like half of them and will pour it on to the Talibans.

    Taliban wouldn't score a single hit since they are notoriously know for their bad marksmanship.


  3. A question like this makes no sense, since a bullet will not look at a persons credentials before hitting them. And more importantly , none of these organizations is any more bullet-proof then the next, just like every other human being in the world. On an even playing field, nobody would win, and you would have a load of bodies on the ground.

    But, if it wasn't an even playing field, and there were contributing factors, the outcome would be much different. For example, if the Taliban (great spelling by the way) were sitting there, smoking marijuana (we have all seen the pictures with the fields of marijuana), and the SAS soldiers were well rested and not intoxicated, well it is easy to see who will win.

    The point is, on an even playing field, they would all kill each other if "everyone started firing at each other".

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