How similar/different is this to the Critical Reading on the SAT Reasoning Test?
I did not score that high on the SAT I, so should I still take it?
It's just that I am doing well in English (English 3 Honors) right now, and am great at analyzing poetry and analytical essays.
Personally, I don't know why I do bad on the critical reading of the SAT I test though.
So far, I have taken the Bio, US History, and Math 2 Subject Test. I got the highest score on Math and the lowest in Bio.
I signed up for the exact same subjects for the June test, and now I'm rethinking should I replace Bio with Lit.
Also, I am taking AP Bio right now (I'm done with it) and I did not do so great during the class.
So, I just need advice/suggestions. Thank you!
Any info or personal experience(s) would be helpful.