
SAT'S Results! Really Disapointed =( x?

by  |  earlier

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I stressed myself out soo much ALL YEAR since September,

revising like mad.

n on my mocks i've been getting, 7's all year.

but i've just got my real exam results back.

and they're at 6's. =(

i'm gutted.

Everyone else in my classes seems to be happy with level 6's

but i'm not? :S

and i don't know whyy, because i should be? :/

Saying that.

i got 48/150 on my maths!!!!!!!!

that's pathetic!!

i'm soo disapointed with myselff haha

i've been sobbin most of the day to be honest.

Because i'm sad like that :/ (over-reactin haha Can't help it thoo hun.)


Anyone else know why i'm the only one who seems to be gutted in my classes? :|

thankyou =)





  1. Look i have this aswell i got 15/20 on a science test and that put me down but people in my class are just happy to get 10 i feel upset and down and yhs i do cry sometime when my grades arent as good as expected. You probably feel this because where your build up your adrenaline on getting the results back and its not what you expected yes, it does let you down but SATS aren' everything now you've got sats over with focus on your GCSe's there Alot moree important if you feel you ever need helkp with anything try bbc bitesize website or im always available..!! xx

  2. Hey there!

    Just relax,

    SATs don't really matter!

    I'm in year 9 as well.

    Got my results yesterday.

    Straight 6's

    Weren't what i wanted but?

    I got a level 7 in maths and science but i didn't get it!

    Just be happy!

    Its average!

    Hope i helped.

  3. Maybe you just stressed out during the test?

    ANyway you can thake the SAT again

  4. You are upset because you have high expectations for yourself, which is a good thing!

    I took the old SAT and I got a 1080/1600, which most kids in my school would be thrilled with, and I was pretty upset.

    Then again, I didn't go to college, so it's not like it mattered.

  5. Try taking the ACT, some people do a lot better on the ACT than on the SAT.  Most universities will accept either one.  

    According to one resource: "The SAT is notoriously abstract. A good deal of its difficulty is front-loaded--a big challenge in many questions is simply figuring out what the question is. The ACT actually tests more material, but its questions are considerably more straightforward.

    Any student who prefers the concrete to the abstract should consider the ACT. Almost all students in the first and second testing quartiles will have a preference for the concrete and thus probably do much better on the ACT than the SAT."

  6. omg, dont worry about it.. lol honest!!

    When i did mine, we all wondered in year 10 what they actually did for me.

    I kinda think hey were useless and they only help the teachers to set you next year, and if ya are in the wrong set it dont really matter because you can be moved anyways.

    Don't worry about it.. really.. they may do something for your predicitions of gcse's but they don't really matter, because you know you can do better than them.. Just concentrate on your gcse's for the neat 2 years =]

    Whatever you do though, dont dwell on it.. Honest :D


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