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Well I took the PSAT's and got a 132. (yeah pretty Bad) That's why I'm worried. I need to raise my score to atleast a 200 in 3 months, or 220 by next June. Any suggestions? I just really want to do well by the next PSAT's which are in October. How should I study... How many hours should I study? I'm really worried about the critical reading, because i scored a 39 on that... It really brought my score down.





  1. At least you know what you need to work on. That's a huge help. There are tutors available, but if you are on a budget there are other options. Your local library should have test prep books that have sample tests and will logic through the answers. The critical reading section is all about being fast and accurate with a high comprehension. So while you're at the library pick out some books of essays on various topics. Ask the librarian for help. I recommend foreign relations, history, and politics. Start by reading them line by line asking yourself what each individual sentence is saying. Try to restate it in your own words. Then summarize the paragraph, then the article. It's very time consuming, but by the end you will understand the article very well. After a few of these, see if you can skip the line by line and go straight to the paragraph. If you need to look back, you probably didn't understand it well enough and should try again. It sounds tedious, I know, but it's a strategy I used and taught my students with much success when I was a tutor. But deffinately get the test prep books. they are a huge help. If you can spend at least an hour every day you will get to where you need to be, more of course will help you more. Good luck.

  2. To tell you the truth. All those test are nothing but indicatiors of how wealthy your family is. (This has be proven). This is because only wealthier families have the resource to spend on tutors. If you want to get a better score get a tutor or get one of those PSAT or SAT study books. Those are the only ways you'll get a better score. I've been through highschool and I know how it feels to get low scores on the "popular and only way to get into a good college test". Its total bs by the way. Just because you get a low score on these test doenst mean your any less capable than any other students.

  3. I took the PSAT and got a 214 and then got a 2170 on my SAT's.  Your score is not going to improve by 700 points.  It measures aptitude and reasoning, and your scores are too low to get a 200 at anytime in the future.  Aim for 1500 or 1600 first.  I didn't study at all, but I would just work on understanding the fundamentals of English better.  Just get a good night sleep and take practice tests and questions to get a better understanding of what the questions are like.
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