
SAT Scores (yes,yes... again)?

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No need to wonder what this is about..

CR: 710

Math: 720 <---was aiming for 800, so this is horrible

Writing: 650 (essay 8) <----not bad, since I didn't like the essay prompt

So give it to me straight... is this 2080 going to get me anywhere in the top? Or am I relegated to the 'good, but almost' group? This is the 1st I've taken the SAT, and I'm a 17 year old in Malaysia. Do they give considerations to internationals, or are we held to the same standards as Americans? (no political overtones there, I swear!)

On a personal level, yea, I'm pretty bummed. Know my friends got 2120 and 2190 respectively, and i was confident of breaking 2100... and another friend of mine is even going for 2350!! It sucks being the dumbest 1...




  1. dude chill out.

    youre a minority, colleges love little asians like you.

    try stanford i&#039;d put money on it that you&#039;ll get in there, especially since you&#039;re international too

  2. wow.....  the average score (here at least) is a 1500. You did really great- and i guess you just have some brilliant friends. You can get up to 800 in each section, so you did good...  lol

  3. You will get in almost anywhere you apply, if not anywhere... trust me.  Your scores are above average and schools love to accept international students, especially one from Malaysia.  Don&#039;t stress my friend, as this was only your first time.

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