
SAT Writing score?

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I got an 800 on the writing portion of my SAT I; however, my essay score is rather low (only a 9, which surprised me a bit tbh because I'm a relatively good writer). How will colleges view that? Many of my friends got 11 and 12s on their essay, but only 600-700 on their score and I don't know how mine would compare with theirs.




  1. If you truly received a perfect score on the writing portion, it's doubtful that your essay score will hold you back. Just make sure to brush up on the aspects of the essay you did not master to ensure you're prepare to write on a college level. It sounds like you are. I wish you the best of luck.

  2.'re the first I've ever heard to receive a perfect score on the writing portion...and with a 9 on the essay...congrats

    Anyways, most colleges, particularly the major ones, are still becoming accustomed to the writing portion, and therefore don't put as much weight on that area as they do the Critical Reading and the Math don't worry too much. got an 800...colleges may not think twice about the 9 on the essay...they'll see it, but the 9 certainly won't hurt you. If anything, what should, and what most likely will happen, is that you're application is gonna look much better with that 800..regardless of the score on the essay.

  3. dont worry

    the colleges are aware of the fact that the essay graders have only 1-2 minutes to simply glance at your essay and give you an arbitrary grade. not to be rude, but perhaps your handwriting wasnt at its best? that really influences your score tremendously. anyway i wouldnt retake a writing score of an 800, i mean how much better could u get? just write your college applications with thought and creativity and you know that goes.....! btw what did u recieve for reading and math?

  4. well you got 800 anyways! don't worry

    i don't think college look at such a minimal score within, you have 800 and that's great!

    don't worry~
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