
SAT essay help plz?

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What are some novels, Shakespeares that can be frequently used on the SAT essay topics? like terms such as: love, happiness,respect, trust,..) thanks




  1. my opinion is stick with what you KNOW already. don't try to sound more rounded and smarter by bringing up a topic you'r enot so familiar with.  that's the worst...stick with what you're comfortable with. talkinG WRONGLY about someone as respectable as shakespeare can make your essay sound too "flowered" up and may recieve a score lower than what you would have without bringing him up.

  2. I find that the best topics to talk about in SAT essays are examples from history. If you're good at history then  you can easily come up with a lot of facts to support your essay. And, the other person was right. Don't talk about anything that you're unfamiliar with. Each essay has hundreds of thousands of different examples you can use, and it's impossible for any one person to use them all. So, pick two (three at most because of time) that you know well, and use them to your fullest advantage to support your thesis. Remember to keep to your thesis and not present any extraneous material not relevant to the focus of your essay. But if you really like Shakespeare, each of his plays involve many complex themes, so you can basically choose any one and use it. Romeo and Juliet obviously has love, hate, haste, and violence in it. Othello has themes of honesty, trust, infidelity, etc.

    The thing about SAT essays is that they (unlike ACT essays) always have to do with abstract concepts (honesty, wisdom, etc.) and morals. That's why it's easy to talk about historic events and people. Courage, wisdom, bravery, perseverance, and other traits are all things that people get remembered for.

    My SAT essay had to do with "unlearning," or forgetting old ideas and replacing them with new ones. I talked about Alice Paul and her work with women's rights. Women have always been viewed as inferior, etc., and Alice Paul came along and made us "unlearn" that, and today it's ludicrous to still treat women as below men.
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