
SAT essay part?

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Can you write a personal experience for the essay you have to write in the SAT test? like i once took practice test in Princeton review and i wrote a personal experience and the marker gave me an 8/12 , and told me to write a historical info based essay. but i dont get it! it says in the bottom

"Plan and write an essay in which yo develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your readin, studies, EXPERIENCE, or observations."




  1. Personal experience works for an SAT essay only if it is relevant to the prompt. it's really important to read the question carefully, and if you do use a personal experience as evidence in your essay, be sure that you're not being too subjective. also, in addition to telling your story, you should tie it back to the prompt and explain why it is relevant. show not tell! it would also probably be helpful to use info from some other sources in addition to your experience.

    good luck :)

  2. it depends on the topic you have to write about. dont write about personal experience if it wants to know what you think about early American government....

  3. The proper format is


    "EXAMPLE 1"

    "EXAMPLE 2"


    Typically ts better to use information from a novel or book or just historical reference, but personal experience as long as its relevent is just as good
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