Ok, for the following sentences, I just couldnt figure out why the error really was the error.
I will put the error in quotes and I want an explanation of why it was an error.
Sentence 1: Flints found in the region extending from the Nile Valley to the highlands of eastern Iraq "attests to" the presence of people there as long ago as one hundred thousand ears.
From the way I see it, attests is the correct verb because it corresponds to flints- both are plural.
Sentence 2: By virtue of "its" size and supersensitive electronics, modern radio telescopes are able to gather more waves and discriminate among them with greater precision than earlier versions could.
the pronoun seems correct...
Sentence 3: Delgado's dilemna was "like many other" young writers: he had to choose between assured publication in a student magazine and probable rejection by a popular magazine.
Just dont see the mistakes...