
SAT score?

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Critical Reading 480 42%

Math 420 20%

Writing 550 69%

Multiple Choice 55 (score range: 20-80)

Essay 8 (score range: 2-12)

i kNOW THIS IS BAD!! Can someone help me figure out my acual score? What would be a good score for next time?




  1. It is not bad!

  2. 480+420+550=1450

  3. What's a good score? Honestly, it depends on where you're applying and what else the colleges will see in your application.

    So, to get a better sense for your chances as an applicant at a given college, look it up in a college guide or in College Board's College Search (—index.js... While admissions committees do look at more than just GPA and SATs as they make admissions decisions, the numbers you find will nonetheless give you a sense for where you stand in the applicant pool.

    Good luck!


  4. Actually, the SAT is out of 2400. I did get around the same score as you, but don't worry!

    It may seem bad, but you'd be surprised as what other people can get.

    Just study more next time! You can retake it again in the fall. Most colleges take the higher score of the two anyway :). You'll be fine!

  5. your score is 1450...out of 2400.
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