
SATA Hard Disk problem.?

by  |  earlier

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i have a SATA HD and i use external case to connect the hard disk to my laptop. But after 5 or 10 minutes, the connection lost and a dialog box saying that "Delay write failed". Why is that happening? i check for bad sectors and found none.




  1. Have you tried connecting to another system? Does it have the same problem?

    How old is the HDD??

  2. i would check with reviews for you case on newegg or look to the faq on the manufacturers site.  I was shopping for an external sata case yesterday and saw in some of the reviewers comments that the power suppplies in the cases were failing quickly.  This may be the issue you are having, perhaps a bad line of power supplies.


    you can get much information in this website, If you will check anyone blue link in website

  4. you connect the drive and when after 5 or 10 minutes it stops responding then you take the hard drive to feel whether it is spinning or not. if it is dead then you might have power cable of sata drive faulty else data cable of sata drive which is normally a red colour ribbon type cable. you should also check all the chips on the drive by touching them with finger if anyone is getting too hot then your hard drive may be faulty

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