
SATs..Applying for college. When am I supposed to crack down?

by Guest56428  |  earlier

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I'm going to be starting my Senior year of high school in about a week. I have yet to take my SATs and of course I'm going to be applying to colleges soon.

I know it's not too late, but would you say I am doomed? Should I do it as soon as possible? Or is it normal for students to be so close to their senior year and have not yet taken the SAT?

Kind of a stupid question...I just want to get an idea at where I stand. How long do I have before it may be too late or it would be more difficult?

And also..when exactly should seniors start applying for colleges?

I'm assuming I'm supposed to talk to my school counselor but I would really like to have some insight right now.




  1. don't worry but definitely take it in oct and if you do "bad" then retake in dec... its not too late... alot of people do it late but this means that you have less time to prepare... apply for colleges senior year but make sure you don't miss any deadlines.... talk to your counselor about college choices and then write the deadlines in your calendar and start writing the essays...

  2. You should take the SAT I and SAT II before the end of October you should be done applying for Colleges before Thanksgiving because the deadline is usually around there.  If you want to start at a community college then transfer it is usually a lot easier and you don't have to take SATs or ACTs

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