
SATs tomorrow. any pointers?

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ive never taken them before and ive just finished my sophmore year. any good advice? im really scared i am going to do badd.




  1. ok im on the same boat as u....T___T* i hate SAT, but here's what u do...

    1. in ur essay, NEVER forget to write a could be the best essay but if u run outta time for the conclusion, you score horrible!

    2. its best to omit the last math questions in the section since the hard ones r usually at the end

    3. for english grammer sentences, if u narrow it between 2 answers pick THE SHORTER sentence cause 70% of the time, its right....

    4. i used to get 1700 in all my p;ractice tests, but when i omitted only 10 questions on the whole test, my score increased 150 points!!SO DONT OMIT if u can eliminate 2!!

  2. This evening Do some brisk physical exercise to work off the nervous energy.

    Then a warm bath to relax and a glass of milk and to bed a little bit early.

    Put on some soothing music to ease yourself into sleep.

    Tomorrow morning eat breakfast - even if you usually don't eat any  - but not anything really sugary

    Get to the testing place at least half an hour before you are supposed to be there.

    Check out the room, locate the clock, etc. so it will seem a bit familiar.

    Then visit the bathroom one last time.

    Before going into the testing room do some last minute stretching to relax your neck & shoulders .

    Then go in find your seat and do well on the exams.

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