
SB Buffer Recipe for Agarose Gel Electrophoresis?

by Guest65629  |  earlier

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SB Buffer Recipe for Agarose Gel Electrophoresis?

I would like to know if anyone know a for sure working recipe for Sodium Borate Buffer (SB). It would be best if this comes from person who uses the recipe and knows for sure that it works well. I would also like to know the recipes for your Loading Dye that you use with it and any other information you have. It is very important that I have the Loading dye recipe to go with if you have it, and also the PH that the buffer should be, but I'll take whatever I can get.

Please Please Please I need this!


Matt B.




  1. See the links below.  I used to use bromphenol blue at about 0.01% if I remember right.

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