
SCHOOL <span title="...................?!>!!?!?!?!?">...................?!>!!?...</span>

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I left a school 1 year ago and everyone hated me. now i'm going back and everybody still hates me as far as i know. they are very violent and scary. How can I not get beaten up? PLEASE and thank you




  1. tell your teacher about it.  

  2. Well i went through the same thing, but im a dude so im not sure if it&#039;s the same. What i did is i got over it and learned how to fight. I fought the dude that was giving me the bad problem and everyone was so scared of me that nobody messed with me anymore. For you i think you should be friends with some people like me and they will stick up for you. Or if your to scared of everyone tell the dean or the principal to solve the problem.  

  3. Have you thought about going to another school?

  4. They must have (hopefully) hated you for a reason - what did you do?

    Whatever you did to get hated - do the opposite this time around. In other words, keep your mouth shut and  be humble.  Be so quiet that most kids won&#039;t even notice that you are there. Stay focused on why you aare there - to finish school. Do not get into others business and when trouble starts, learn to walk/run.

    Good luck....and remember, you created the bad situation and only you can make it better - so do it!!!!

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