
SCIENCE PRAC HELP, growing microbes on agar plates

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I finished my prac of growing microbes on agar plates(petri dishes)

i need help with this question

Why did you need a control plate?

Another question...

What flaws exist in your design?

(What the **** does this mean)?

Please Explain.I nedd help

Due tommorow




  1. To answer the question accurately, I would need you to describe the experiment and your control plate.

  2. Why are you growing the culture in the first place?  Are you testing something? (antibiotics?)  What type of microbes are they? (bacteria?)  A control plate will demonstrate the normal life cycle of the microbe.  Say you want to know if a certain microbe can live at different temperatures, you could use the control plate at the normal temp of the microbe and the test plates at varying temps and compare the results.  One flaw maybe that you actually have more than one type of microbe on the plate, you should start with pure cultures for testing.

  3. 1- In any scientific experiment you need a control group which you compare the results of your experiment to. A control group will tell you what is the natural state of your population and what are the effects of your experiment on the population.

    2- Flaws of an experiments are mistakes that have happened. For example, you might have left a dish open or some how contaminated it. Or you may have thought of doing something differently after you performed the experiment.

    Think of a method or situation that you would change if you were to re-do the experiment.    

  4. u always need a control plate to have standard in order to compare your test plates...suppose that if u are incubating the microbes at 37 c and u need to compare whether at this temperature the growth of microbes is increased or decreased or is it proper or not...with what are u gonna compare the growth  then?????u need a standard plate to compare it and as per the flaws........u should care about not opening the plates after they are subjected to incubation...u shud always try to grow pure culture...and never ever let the media get contaminated...and the components of the media shud be correctly should be prepared properly..............

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