
SD! scramble (spoiler)?

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What do you think of SD! unforgiven scramble match for the WHC? ITs Triple H vs Brian Kendrick Vs MVP vs Jeff Hardy vs Shelton Benjamin

It seems like a pretty lame match compared to Raw's. My pick to win the match in the end is Hardy. Besides he's supposed to be a world champ by now cus he was supposed to win MITB at WM24 but he got suspended.

So who do you think will win? Or will HH end up retaining it in the last 3 seconds?

Some how I think its gonna be a "3 seconds better" kind of thing where the winner will get the pin with a few seconds left.




  1. i think its stupied, that they have to steal raws main event match, but raws well bee better more popular wrestlers, but the smackdown match, i think hhh, and jeff well carry the match over it well be those to going at it the whole time i think and i hope jeff or shelton well win, hhh needs a break and to go home and see his new born

  2. Ya the SD scramble is terrible its only because there noob roster

    I think they should have had: JhArdy, HHH, Khali, Big show, Mvp

    I think Jeff will win if not then HHH will remain champ

    Ya the winner will be crowned within the last seconds

  3. if they both retain it will be pretty disappointing...even spanky holding the title for a week is better then both champs retaining.

  4. i think hhh will win if this is true. if this is true then this ppv will suck because that is not a good match.

  5. You gave it away in the topic. Nice!

    But anyways, I think this is a way for them to make Triple H like, 50 time WWE Champion. Obviously, I'm exagerating, but he'll lose it and regain it many times in that match I'm sure.

  6. HHH will win, and this stip is cr@p

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