
SE7EN deadly sins...?

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When you know you got all seven of those, Is there any forgiveness?

(Christians only)




  1. oh yeaahh. [x

  2. You cannot get out of God's range.  

  3. Yes

    When you come to Jesus and with all of your heart say

    Jesus I am a sinner

    I believe You died on the cross and rose from the dead

    Please forgive my sins Jesus

    Come into my heart Jesus

    Jesus will give you blessed assurance

    That means you know in your heart you will go to heaven

    And you will feel peace and love

    A million pounds of weights will be lifted off of you

    But you have to really mean what you say

    And be willing to follow Jesus

  4. Yes. There is still time to change.

  5. What, did you use them as a To Do list?


  6. Did you like, do them all? You can always confess your sins and not do them.

  7. there is always forgiveness if you sincerely repent. God knows your heart and he rewards sincere confession and change

  8. thats catholic any sin is deadly not  7.

  9. everyone commits the seven deadly sins
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