
-SECRET- Underground Forums?

by  |  earlier

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ive been told of an underground forum with a team of posters who are exposing alot of secrets about this world. i heard some of these people are high up in the political community,radio hosts, ect. and this is their hideout to share information back and fourth with each other, once your a member there are sections that are available to some, so i hear. im in the process of finding out the answers myself.





  1. Well, it's not much of a secret now, is it?

    OK, went to the site.  I'm guessing these 'high up' political figures don't know much about basic grammar.  Looks like a teenager put it together - first topic heading is ' What you can expect if your not civil.'  That's 'you're', not 'your'.  That's 9th grade English.

  2. I'd be afraid to go to this link. If they can do this..then they can also send you a virus. Guess I'm just a scaredy cat!

  3. That's funny, I registered and became a member in all of 30 seconds...  Now I know the secrets of the universe.

    Want to know the meaning of life?  Too bad! You're not a member!!

    Umm...if it was a secret underground forum, I doubt any of us would know.  I am pretty sure there IS a top-secret online "forum" for the people in the government that want to discuss things that the public doesn't know about.  They're human, too, and just like us, they love being able to work in their pj's.  An underground forum would actually be much more elusive than that, it would have security measures and codes, and all sorts of blockades to stop hackers.

    I doubt onliance is one of those.

    ps - the meaning of life is in forum #42


  4. You might want to look deeper at stuff before claiming it secret or thinking that it is next time you ask for something.

    Yes there is a forum such as this with allot of detailed discussions and its not the only one. It is also not the only secret forum that we can find i myself am part of a secret hacker forum what i am not going to tell you due too the fact that its secret but thats up to you to believe or not.

    So to answer your question yes there is and yes you can become apart of it but you will have a whole lot of trouble before you can get into it and then there will only be a few people in it that are the kind of who you speek.

    Other than that some of them may have an ip-sniffer attached to them and if your not a member of the forum you wont be able to join.

    So i hope i answered your question.

    P.S. don't email me about why i am apart of a secret society and dont ask me what we do i wont reply.

  5. Ooooooooooo.................. shhhhhhhh don't tell. It is a secret.

    The secret password is "Swordfish" .

  6. you must be "enlightened soul" *yawn* out for self promotion. At least make it interesting...!

  7. 127 Posts in 37 Topics by 13 Members.

    Not even enough members to make a rugby team.

    Exclusive or simply unpopular?

  8. Guess our cover is blown. You found out what YA! is really about............

    Honestly, its not meant to be a secret brotherhood or anything. You sign up and you can share information with people all over the world.

    And yes, there are some people here who are radio hosts, and politicians, probably lawyers, movie producers, actors....etc..... You would be surprised who is here answering questions.

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