
SEEKING PARTY PLANNERS: any party ideas for a 14 year old?

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okay so basically im having a party with 9 of my closest friends, so 10 including me. its going to be in a basement and there is a tv, although idk if we should watch a movie i mean, it take too much space of the party and i wanna do fun activities and things like that. i have no idea what kind of activities i should do. any suggestions? also what snacks and dinner should i serve? basically i want an itnerary of the party.

party planners please help!!!




  1. hi there,


    -- truth, truth, and lie:

    How to play:

    Each player writes his or her name on an index card and then writes three other pieces of information. Two have to be true, one should be a lie. They players then exchange cards and see if they know what the person on the card lied about.

    --- Sit on a Balloon Relay:

    One blown up balloon per person plus two extra

    One pair of themed extra large boxer shorts per team

    How to play:

    Divide the teens into two or more relay teams, no more than four teens to a team. Place all of the filled balloons about 10 feet in front of the teams. Give the first person in each team a pair of funky boxer shorts. When the race begins, each person must put on the boxer shorts, run to a balloon and sit on it to pop it. After it is popped, the player runs to his/her team, takes off the shorts and the next player goes. When all the players are done, the team sits down. The first team to sit, wins.

    --- Get to 100:

    1 pencil and 1 piece of paper per player

    1 die for every four players

    How to play:

    This game should be played in groups of four or less and can be played with just two people. Each person rolls the die until they get a one or a six. (Make it a combo of the age for birthday parties, like a 1 or a 2 is twelve years old.) When they get the number they start writing 1, 2, 3, 4, ..., to 100. They keep writing while the next player picks up the die and starts rolling. When the second player gets the 1 or the 6, the first player stops writing and the second player starts making his/her number list, starting with 1. Whatever player gets to 100 first wins.

    --- Touchey feely Spoon:

    1 blindfold

    2 wooden spoons

    How to play:

    One player is blindfolded. He/She is given the wooden spoons and holds one in each hand. He/She uses the spoons to try and figure out who the people are in the room. No talking allowed. When the blindfolded player guesses someone's identity correctly, he/she is no longer 'it' and the other person takes a turn at being blindfolded. When playing this game with teens, it is important to remind them of private places and how they are off limits - even to the spoons.

    --- Pop song Charades:

    list of popular songs written on scraps of paper folded and put into a bag or hat

    a list of baby songs like I'm a Little Teapot

    6 or more teens, divide them into teams

    scorecard and pencil

    How to play:

    Each team picks a song out of a hat and then acts it out for the other teams. The team that guesses the song and the team that does the charade each get a point. If a team is unable or doesn't want to act out the song that they chose out of the bag, they may opt to do a baby song off of the list. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins.

    --- Draw a house, Chicken, cow or whatever:




    Two or more players

    How to play:

    While blindfolded each player tries to draw the object. The one who makes the best likeness wins. All drawings are then displayed throughout the rest of the party, with the players

    names on them

    --- Musical Statues:

    Be the last person not to move when the music stops.

    How to play:

    Participants stand in a circle. When the music starts the players dance or walk in a circle. When the music stops, everybody stops moving. Anyone who moves, quivers, shakes etc is out. The winner is the last one still playing.

    ---7 minutes in heaven

    --- spin the bottle

    ---truth and dare

    You could also do a spa theme birthday party if its just gonna be the girls.!!






    Hot dogs

    fresh fruit ( or even chocolate covered strawberries)

    a cake

    soda or other drinks

  2. They make "murder mystery" games that you act out the parts on and then everyone tries to guess the murderer. The ones I've seen have costume and menu suggestions. Assign one of the dishes to each of your guests to bring, and give them costume suggestions. Also, have the boys play the girl's part and vice versa.

    For example, University Games has a game like this called "Pasta, Passion & Pistols." You could get everyone to bring pizza toppings and make homemade pizzas with refrigerated biscuits or dough where assembling the pizzas is part of the start of the party. After eating, break out the fake guns, and other props, play the game, ham it up like crazy.

    In games like this they usually have a few rounds. Break during the rounds to snack and hang out or just stay in character and do improv. If any of your friends are shy, the structure of the game will let them be social without pressure.

    When the game is done, you can just hang out and enjoy each  other's company. The tough part in running a party is making sure everyone talks to everyone else and there's something entertaining to do.

    The menu should have "real food" and snacky-type food, sweet stuff, and salty stuff. Plus a wide variety of drinks.Try to have at least one thing to accommodate different diets like raw veggies, cheese for folks that don't eat meat, sugar-free sweets if someone can't do sugar, etc. Ask your guests what they like.

  3. Start with menu:  Snacks, veggie tray, fruit tray, pizza bites, chips, dips, mini hot dogs.  Talk to your parents and see if you can all make individual pizza's it is very easy you can get dough from your local supermarket and have toppings and everyone can choose their own.  This is a fun activity for all to do.  You can also do the same with sundaes, get a variety of ice cream flavors, some toppings, etc. and do the same.

    Games:  Do you have a video games like Dance,Dance revolution, or Guitar Hero,  have competitions and go against each other.(my kids do and they have a blast all the time)  Go to your local craft store and find a craft you can all do together.  Go on line to Martha she always has some neat crafts to make and usually the patterns and stuff right there on line.  Just sit and think about some things you and your friends like to do and build from there.  Have fun and happy birthday.

  4. Get some snacks out on a table, fun things you enjoy snacking on. And turn your tv to a music chanel or music video chanel. It will prolly turn into you all dancing and singing and gossiping. But once you get into it time really flys!

    Also, (may sound lame, but I am 18 and I still love playing) BOARD GAMES! Taboo is a good one, and apples to apples(the more people the better). Also, guitar hero is good for groups.

  5. I would suggest a murder mystery party. They have games online for all age groups and it will be something different. My favorite site is I did a mystery party for my sister and I am so glad we did. This site has all age groups and the games are clean. There is an article on how to host the perfect party and it takes you step by step though the process and there is even an aritcle for guests who are going to their first mystery party If you are wanting something differetn where ou have to dress up and really get into it, then this is it. Good luck in whatever you choose!

  6. I don't know how well this will go over with your parents, but here goes.  How about a "Dance Club" themed party.  

    Hang a disco ball, have strobe lights, shiny metallic streamers, get a DJ and have them play all of your favorite music.  

    Set up a "fake" bar that serves "non-alcoholic" cocktails.  

    Hang a Pinata stuffed with jewelry  from Claires and funny things from Spencers.

    Serve finger foods like, hot wings and veggies, pizza rolls, finger sandwiches, chips and dips, nuts, pretzels, quesadillas and cupcakes or cakes for the birthday girl.

  7. do what you like to do, play little games such as truth or dare or go fool around outside.. for snacks...serve chips or other popular snacks...for dinner serve pizza

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